Alternate Programs

Dan Garner - Assistant Principal Alternate Programs

As we near the end of Term 2, I would like to acknowledge the hard work of our staff, students, and parents in making this year productive and enjoyable. As the days grow darker and colder, I urge students to continue attending school and parents to stay in contact with staff if their child is unwell.


Term 2 can be quite challenging, as can the holidays. Please take this time to recharge and enjoy some time at home. It's important to appreciate the hard work everyone has put in. If needed, there are services in Horsham and online agencies available for support during the holidays. Please take the time to reach out to them if needed.

Term 3 begins on Monday 15 July, and we will work through the cold winter to achieve the goals set out in each students’ Individual Education Plans. Thank you to all the families for their support at the beginning of the year. Please reach out to staff if you have any questions or concerns.

McKenzie Creek News

Creekers Shine in Ballet Adventure!

Last week, McKenzie Creek students dove into the ballet world with the Australian Ballet Company. In just three afternoons, they learned choreography techniques and crafted a routine showcasing newfound skills and creativity. Instructors blended traditional ballet with engaging activities from moving around and getting on your tippy toes to circle time trying to catch the frog. Thanks to Pav and the Company for providing us to work on our two left feet, the Creekers are inspired for more creative adventures.


Keep dancing, Creekers!




Happy Birthday Judd!

The Creekers had celebrated Judd’s 14th birthday earlier this month. Judd had an enjoyable day working with his peers and having some chocolate cake to celebrate. We hope you had a great day Judd!


School Reports

End of Semester reports will be released on Wednesday 26th June. If you would like a hard copy printed, please send Ben a SMS on 0475 830 907 to request one.


Absence Follow Up

Please ensure that you’re notifying staff if your student is away absent from school due to illness or other matters. This is especially important as we strive to ensure that all of our stuents are attending a minimum of 75% of their classes. Remember - ‘every day counts!’