Academic Counsellor News

Jenna Argall | Senior Student Academic Counsellor


We all recognise that as the weather gets colder and the days get shorter it can become increasingly difficult to inspire students to keep going with our work. The holidays are looming just ahead of us and we may find that our motivation levels begin to drop.


Some students begin to feel unmotivated because they feel that they struggle to have success and then it seems not worth the effort to them, “Why would I bother?”

An American researcher, Dr Mendler, suggests the “APPPP” for success:


  • Appear – let’s just get to school; showing up is a major part of getting motivated
  • Prepare - be ready with a positive attitude and supplies (lap-top, diary, books, pencil case)
  • Practice - work at getting better at learning; give it a go, most people can’t do something well without practice
  • Persist - Keep at it or ask for help; encourage students to reach out to teachers for help
  • Progress – demonstrate steady growth; look at what you have achieved and celebrate positive growth.


If we all work together to master this “APPPP” we should be able to notice a definite improvement in our level of motivation for school.


Bonita O’Brien

Student Academic Counsellor