Year 12 News

 Kristin Pfitzner & Nick Rigas | Year 12 Coordinators

Congratulations to those students who recently travelled to Ballarat to represent Horsham College at Greater Western Football and Netball. It is wonderful to see students enthusiastically making lasting memories in their final year of school. Both Senior Grades did extremely well on the day against quality opposition, with the Netballers & Footballers coming away with 2 wins each.



Well done to those VCE students who completed their GAT Exam this week. It was wonderful to see students working with motivation to achieve their personal best. The purpose of the GAT Examination is to measure literacy and numeracy skills, in addition to assisting with quality assurance for VCE purposes. 


We thank Yolande (School Chaplain) in advance as she plans to organise a tasty recess treat for our students to enjoy later this week.


A reminder that Year 12 students will be spending three periods at the Western Victorian Careers Expo next Tuesday 25th June. Timetabled classes will run as per usual for period one, five and six. Please note that as canteen options are limited at the Careers Expo students are encouraged to bring snacks, water, and lunch. Full school uniform is expected to be worn.


As we approach the end of Semester One, it is essential that students are up to date with their classwork and complete redemptions as required. Teachers will be supporting students to help achieve this.


Many are eagerly anticipating the end of term and the Winter Solstice. It is important to recognise the importance of rest and self-care over the two weeks. Term 3 is always a busy time for Year 12 students as they work to complete their last full term at school. 


Wishing you all a safe and refreshing break!