Year 5/6

Year 5/6 Cluster News
Reading: Aim for 20 minutes minimum reading per night. As students complete a book, they are to record the author, title and date of finishing in their Reader’s Workshop book. We encourage students to read aloud, either to themselves or a parent.
Mathematics: We are using both the method of knowing the skip counting pattern (multiples) and then also practising the times table itself. This week we have been learning 11 x multiples.
A note from Mrs Bishop: Information about the AFL MAX overnight camp has been sent out. This is only for students who want to go and is an additional cost of $170. Replies for this opportunity are now overdue but we can still consider your child if you contact Sensei Bishop or the classroom teachers. The date is Friday, July 26th, at the end of Week 1 of Term 3.
A note from Mr K: With Year 6 students being so close to high school, it is important to ensure their vision has been tested recently. If any parent would like Mr K to do a basic eye test, please email him or the class teacher so we can organise this.
Premier’s Reading Challenge: Please check in with your child to see how they are going with recording the books they have read this year. At the end of this term. We would expect the students to have at least 6 books recorded. Please initial next to the books they have recorded before they hand it in.
Current and Upcoming Learning
Progress Reports: You are reminded that Progress Reports will be made available on Toddle tomorrow afternoon. We are thankful for the efforts of the students over the semester.
Christian Studies: We have explored the process we go through to make decisions in all areas of our life. We are applying this to the responsibility required to be safe and ethical in our online usage.
Unit Of Inquiry: We have begun a new unit of inquiry in ‘Where we are in Place and Time’. Our central idea is People's ideas and actions can cause a shift in thinking and affect the course of history.’ We are looking at what has happened since the First Fleet. Year 5s will take a closer look at the changemakers in the establishment of the colony of South Australia while the Year 6s will look who played roles in bringing about Federation.
Literacy: We will be encouraging students to do their holiday borrowing next Thursday with particular prompting for our students who need to read more books for their ‘Premier’s Reading Challenge’.
Mathematics: We have begun working in probability and have played several games that have helped us to explore chance. Students will continue record and analyse data related to games and to everyday life.
Other Announcements
Japanese visit: Please email Bishop Sensei ( if you are interested in having 1 or 2 Japanese students come and stay with you the first week back after school holidays.
GLOW WEEK starts on Monday! Years 3-6 will be taking part in their GLOW activities from 9 to 11 on Monday to Thursday. A reminder that students and parents are invited to celebrate the weeks work on Friday afternoon from 2pm. Students have been informed of the activity they will be doing for the week.
We are on the hunt for donations to help make the week a success. We would love donations of:
Cardboard boxes – all sizes
Cake decorating items (piping bags / tools etc)
Sand paper
Sample paint pots with some paint you are no longer using!
Please drop any donations into the office any time between now and the end of the term.
Thank you!
The GLOW team
Our thoughts and prayers are with Mr Napier as he undergoes surgery and is away next week. We pray for healing and look forward to seeing him again next term.
Yours sincerely,
Luke Napier
Lauren Neumann
Jayne Zadow