Year 3/4

Year 3/4 Cluster News
Home Inquiry:
Reading: Aim to read for at least 15 minutes per night.
Inquiry: Talk with your family about what you have learnt about Australia’s history over the last few weeks.
Math: Revise your multiplication facts
Year 3: 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, and 10s
Year 4: all facts up to x12
Learning this week:
Monday – Thursday: Students will be engaging in their ‘choice’ learning in the mornings until Recess time. Their groups have already been shared with students during class time.
On Friday students will share their celebration of learning – Time TBA soon.
We are looking forward to all of the learning and wonder that this week will bring.
Spelling: There will be no spelling this week due to GLOW week.
Writer’s Workshop:We will be publishing our final piece this week.
Reader’s Workshop: To link with our Inquiry, we continue to explore different perspectives in literature.
Mathematics: We will continue to revise and explore the relationship between multiplication and division to finish off the term.
Unit of Inquiry: We will continue to explore peacemaking throughout Australian and World history, with a specific focus on 1780 – 1788.
Premier’s Be Active Challenge: Students can join us as we complete the challenge as a class or individually track and record their physical activities over a four–week period. We will likely do this as a class at the beginning of Term 3.
Glow Week Message:
Dear Parents and Families,
If you do not do 10c recycling but have cans and bottles at home that go in the normal recycling, we would love to collect these for Glow Week. There are bags out the front of the maintenance shed to deposit these into, otherwise please put them in the wire bins in the courtyard.
Kind regards,
The GLOW Week Team
Japanese Host Families (Year 4 families)
We are 4 families short to host students (they are all boys). Please contact Melissa Bishop for more information and if you are interested.
Can you please ensure that your child has a recorder purchased for them. This is a requirement to participate in music lessons.
Thank you
Mrs Ali
We will still be borrowing in Week 9 so that students have books over the three-week break.
Blessings for the week ahead,
Chelsie Riches, Emily Gower and Jade Fielke