
Founda Cluster News
Home Inquiry
Jolly Sounds
Check out our YouTube channel. Every week a new set of sounds will be put up to share with your children at home or even show you how we teach them the sound and action. In their purple pouch is the sound and action sheet to practice. You can get them to write it any way you like for example with a water sprayer, playdough, shaving cream, write it in flour. Just as long as they are starting from the correct position and forming the sound correctly. Handwriting hero app is great to use to ensure formation is correct.
Heart Words
Students were sent home the next sheet of heart (snap) words. Please check our YouTube channel to show you how to practice heart words.
Jolly Words
These are words that can be sounded out and blended. The children say each sound in the words and then blend them together to read the word. We encourage them to chop the sounds on their hand and then blend them together to read the word. They are to keep the card until they are comfortable with the words and blending accurately and then in the mornings they can swap for a new card. Once they have ticked off all the colour dots in that colour card section, we will test them and move them up to the next colour card if they are successful. Please keep these in their Jolly (purple) pouch always. See our YouTube channel for the video showing how to do them.
YouTube Channel
Week 9 learning program:
Students will be participating in a range of different activities each day... Some of the fun will include dancing, outdoor nature play, damper making, box creations and more. It will be a great fun week with lots of new experiences for the children.
The weather next week is looking wet, your child will need a raincoat or poncho and gum boots for our outdoor activities as they will still be going ahead.
Kimochis at home: Our Kimochi friends are having a rest until next term. Stay tuned for our Term 3 roster.
Mid Year Foundations: We have a group of Mid Year Foundations beginning their transition to join our class in Term 3. They will have 2 transition visits, Wednesday of Week 8 and Week 9. Please make them feel welcome.
Mrs Wachtel on leave: Mrs Wachtel will be on leave in Week 9. Mrs T will be in Foundation on Monday-Thursday and Bishop Sensei on Friday.
Dress Up Day: Our Foundations have filled their pom pom reward jar. We will be having dress up day on Friday Week 8, 21st June. Children can come in their favourite dress up outfit, please no props. We ask that they wear sneakers as we will still be having a normal school day.
Gumboots: During the colder months as the weather gets wetter and muddier, students must wear gumboots in the nature play at break times. If your child enjoys playing in nature play, please send gumboots labelled with their name to school. These are kept in plastic bags on the children’s bag hooks by our classroom.
Reports: Reports will be going home on Toddle. Please ensure you can access Toddle and speak to your class teacher if you need any assistance.
Keep smiling,
Emma and Amy
Emma Wachtel:
Amy Hughes: