From the School Leadership Team

P & F Quiz Night
A reminder that our P & F Quiz Night is coming up on Saturday 22 June. This is a great occasion to get some friends together and to enjoy our Golden Grove Lutheran community! Our P & F have worked really hard to put the evening together and we will all have a lot of fun dressing up as heroes and villains.
If you are new to the school, please be reassured we are a very welcoming group and would love to see you there - the Quiz Nights are always great evenings!
There are some great prizes on offer, and a wonderful time is sure to be had by all - be quick to book your tickets as this is one of the marquee events on the school calendar!
Please contact us at the school office if you would still like to buy a ticket as there are a limited number left.
We hope you have had some excited talk in your house about GLOW Week coming up in Week 9 (Monday 24 June - Friday 28 June). GLOW stands for Growing, Learning, Owning and Wondering!
We will be putting aside the whole of the week to give students the opportunity to do a 'deep dive' into a hands-on area that they are interested in. This will include activities including fishing and survival skills, knitting, gymnastic, drama, cake decorating etc.
Students have been able to nominate their groups and have been placed in groups for the week. The groups will be small (around 6-10 students).
Years 3 - 6 will work in these groups each day from 9.00am - 10.45am and Foundation to Year 2 from 11.05am - 12.45pm.
We would love your help to continue to have a discussion with your child about enjoying their activity group and area of interest rather than just what their friends are choosing! Please help them to remember that whilst that they will probably be in a group with people other than their friends, that this is a great opportunity to connect with others in the school with similar interests and build cross cluster and year level connections. We will also be having conversations around this at school and appreciate your help in reinforcing the message.
A huge thanks to Lauren Neumann and Cloe Richardson for putting the whole week together, for all of our amazing parent and community volunteers who are hleping to make this a possibility, and our teaching team who have worked hard to get things up and running behind the scenes. Mr K has done a lot of great organisation and timetabling to help everything work smoothly!
Looking forward to an exciting week of Growing, Learning, Owning and Wondering!
Professional Learning Week, Term 2 - 3 Holidays and New Buildings
A reminder that the upcoming school holidays run from Monday 1 July to Friday 19 July inclusive, with Term 3 commencing on Monday 22 July.
Vicki and the GGOSH team have a fantastic vacation care programme available through this time.
Over Monday 1 July - Friday 5 July, our staff team will be engaged in professional learning with a focus on preparing for our external evaluation visit from the International Baccalaureate Organisation next year. This is a process that all schools who deliver the PYP programme undertake every fve years. Typically at Golden Grove Lutheran, it has proven to be a highly affirming process which reinforces the quality of our teaching, learning and assessment programmes and techniques as well as our pedagogy and teaching practices. We will also undertake a session on the teaching of mental computation in Mathematics and be doing some preparations for the moving of classrooms over the break.
We currently anticipate that we will have handover of the new Foundation classrooms in the last week of the holidays and that we will be able to move into those classrooms in time for the start of Term 3. We also plan to move the Year 1/2 classrooms across the courtyard into the current Foundation classrooms, next to the Year 3/4 and 2/3 classes. Our Music Room will move from the Fellowship Centre, next to the Worship Centre, into the current 1/2AK classroom.
If there is an unforeseen delay in the handover of the new classrooms for any reason, our 'Plan B' is to move Foundation into the new building at the end of Week 1 (to enable the new mid year Foundation students some time to settle into new routines and surroundings at 'big school') and then Years 1/2 at the end of Week 2 (so as to minimise overall disruption across the school) and Music in the week after that.
Staffing News
Congratulations to Mrs Emily Gower who will take maternity leave at the end of Term 2 for the remainder of the year. we are thankful for her efforts teaching Years 3/4 this year and Years 1/2 last year! It has been great to welcome her to our school community. We certainly wish her the best for a safe birth and in welcoming a new addition to her family!
Mrs Jade Fielke, who currently teachers 3/4GF on Mondays and Tuesdays will also teach the class on Wednesdays in Terms 3 and 4. Mrs Cloe Richardson, who is really well known as our specialist Art teacher, will teach 3/4GF on Thursdays and Fridays. As well as being a fantastic Art teacher, Cloe is an experienced Primary teacher, and the class will be in great hands between Jade and Cloe!
Colin Buchanan Concert
What a privilege it was for us to host Colin Buchanan for a concert in our Worship Centre last Saturday 15 June. It was fantastic to have such a massive turnout and the excitement throughout the concert was amazing. We enjoyed seeing the absolute joy on the children's faces as they were singing and dancing along with Colin. The adults present were having a lot of fun too! A huge thanks to our church volunteers who made the afternoon possible - Mark Rawolle, Joel Schiller, Rob Mills, Liz Mills, Holly Schutz, Kendall Kahl, Liz Mills, Rebecca Wallace, Tessa Rawolle and Joel, and many more!
Futsal and Soccer
Congratulations to our Futsal team who won their first game in the finals series last week and progress to the semis this week - good luck boys!
Special thanks to Mrs Zadow for coming out to watch the boys play their first elimination round this week. A 2 - 0 win sees the boys through to the semi final.
Mrs Zadow had this to say about the game:
The Futsal boys won a nail biting elimination final through great teamwork, persistence and a never give up attitude that was present right to the last seconds when they scored their second goal!
Adam, one of our parents, also gave a great recap of the game “All the boys stepped up tonight. It was such a great team effort. Lucas's goals were pure quality and Ollie G in goals had a blinder. Ollie S was solid in defence as always. Mitch putting his body on the line with no fear. Paul was menacing up forward. Henry and Elijah worked hard wherever they were on the court. And a master coaching class from the boss, Fabio.”
SA Power Networks Grant
We are excited to announce that we have received a SA Power Networks Grant of $5000 to help install solar panels on our new Foundation classrooms. We are excited about the opportunity to contribute to a sustainable future, greener environment and to also have a much lower electricity bill going forward! We are partnering with Matrix Solar for the installation who have also donated some materials and labour in kind towards the project. A huge thanks to Andrew and the team at Matrix Solar!
Well done to our Student Representative Council who came up with the idea and successfully applied for the grant, it is fantastic to see student agency in action so productively!
A few reminders
Please be reminded of some of our key events to commence the term.
- Saturday 22 June - P & F Quiz Night
- Monday 24 June - Friday 28 June - GLOW Week
- Friday 28 June - Closing Service 8.50am
- Friday 28 June - GLOW Week Presentations - 2.00pm
- Friday 28 June - Term 2 Concludes
- Monday 22 July - Term 3 Commences
Will Wallace
The best way to say ‘No!’ to your kids.
Gee!!! We all know it can be tough to say no to our kids, especially if we know there is a tantrum coming. Dr Justin Coulson gives some great advice on how to deal with this. While it is aimed at younger children, I’m sure it could be used in various ways for older kids too. I love that he uses the idea of fantasy and play which we know are important skills we want our kids to learn as they grow older.
Enjoy the read!
Tim Kriewaldt
Deputy Principal
Please be reminded that the Semester 1 Progress Reports will be available on Toddle tomorrow afternoon after school. These reports provide a copy of the achievement standard for each subject at your child’s year level, along with a teacher’s on-balance judgement of how they are working towards achieving that standard by the end of the year. Please be reminded that if your child receives the achievement level of ‘competent’, it means that they are working at their year level standard which is to be celebrated. If you have any concerns about your child’s report, please contact their classroom teacher to book a time to chat further.
Jayne Zadow
Direct of PYP, Teaching and Learning