
With five weeks to go to the commencement of the HSC written examinations, parents/carers and boys of Year 12 are reminded about the following HSC matters:
Year 12 Academic Reports
By the end of this week, Year 12 final academic reports will be issued online via the TASS Parent Lounge.
It is worth noting a few key features of the final report include:
- Co-curricular Involvement to date, as applicable.
- Attendance at key College events since the Semester 1 Report such as Founder’s Day and Year 12 Spirituality Day.
- Attendance Record from Monday 3 April up to and including Friday 25 August.
- The homeroom teacher’s Pastoral Profile which describes the student’s general school and homeroom practices associated with grooming and uniform, co-operation, manner, punctuality, responsibility, initiative, and contribution to Mission. These Profile elements are described as Consistently, Usually, Occasionally or Rarely.
- A percentage Trial HSC Examination Mark, the Trial HSC Examination Rank and the HSC Course Rank. It is important to note that it is a NESA requirement that schools are not permitted to issue the HSC Course Assessment Mark on reports.
- Achievement in one or more Learning Areas or descriptors expressed by one of the following indicators: Excellent, Good, Satisfactory, Elementary or Limited. Each indicator indicates the level of performance achieved by the student, similar to the Common Grade Scale as the Scale is generally well understood.
- Achievement in a number of Learning Practices, such as application, conduct and commitment to study indicated as either Consistently, Usually, Occasionally or Rarely.
The issuing of the reports is an important time for parents/carers to constructively assess their sons’ academic progress and make the necessary adjustments, with the view of making determined improvements over the remaining weeks leading to the HSC written examinations.
Preparation for the HSC Written Examinations
The next few weeks are very important as each Year 12 student steps up his study regime in the realisation that in terms of marks, it is only half-time – the game is not over yet. There’s still 50% of the HSC Mark to work for.
Although it will also be an eventful time for our boys as they celebrate the end of their schooling, they must not lose focus from the main task ahead – the HSC written examinations which commence Wednesday 11 October with the English Standard and Advanced Paper 1 in the morning and conclude for our Year 12 students on Thursday 2 November with the Information Processes and Technology paper in the afternoon session.
Thorough revision of the syllabus points and practise using past papers under self-imposed examination conditions are essential to sharpen preparation for the examinations at this stage.
Over the course of the year, teachers have drawn attention to readily accessible resources on the internet to assist the boys with their study and revision. The following are most useful for Year 12:
- Home | NSW Education Standards HSC examination rules and procedures, syllabuses, past examination papers and notes from the marking centre, 2023 HSC examination timetable and Students Online
- ARC: Years 11-12 (including Higher School Certificate) ( Syllabuses, past examination papers and notes from the marking centre, standards packages and online multiple-choice
- HSC Study Guide 2023 ( Recently published, this site provides course summaries and guides and advice on study and examination techniques.
I strongly recommend that all Year 12 students engage the above sites as part of their preparation for the HSC examinations.
HSC Students Online
This NESA website facility provides students with their:
- personal details
- enrolment details
- personalised HSC examination timetable
- personalised Advice Line schedule
- Assessment Rank Order Notice
- HSC results.
It is important that Students Online is accessed and checked. Should parents/carers or their sons have further questions about the Students Online service or concerns about the information therein, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Cutrupi at the College.
During the HSC, Students Online and the NESA website will continue to be an important source of information about the HSC. NESA will also continue to provide assistance for any HSC related matters.
HSC Illness/Misadventure
In the event of illness or misadventure during the HSC examinations, it is imperative that the HSC Presiding Officer, Mrs Saric, is immediately notified. The College, through either Mr Fox or Mr Cutrupi, must also be notified. An appeal form, which covers each affected examination, will be issued. The completed form must be returned to Mr Cutrupi for the Principal’s signature and submission to the NESA by no later than Monday 6 November.
More information regarding the illness / misadventure process during the HSC examinations may be found at: Illness and misadventure | NSW Education Standards
HSC Assessment Rank Order Notices
These may be accessed and printed from home via the Students Online facility on Monday 6 November. Appeals concerning rank order must be submitted to Mr Cutrupi, in writing, by no later than 3:30 PM, Tuesday 7 November.
Release of Higher School Certificate Results
NESA will make the 2023 HSC results available to students via Students Online on Thursday 14 December.
Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR)
The Universities Admissions Centre issues a different PIN to that of Students Online to enable access to the ATAR, also released on Thursday 14 December. A special barbeque lunch for Year 12 will be held here at the College, commencing 11:00 AM on Thursday 14 December.
Michael Cutrupi
Director of Curriculum