Deputy Principal

School Supervision Hours
I wanted to bring to your attention the daily schedule for student supervision at the College. I am cognisant of the fact that we have a number of families where both parents/carers work and how difficult coordinating drop-off and pick-up can be.
For parents/carers, please note the following:
- Morning supervision currently commences at 8:15 AM however, given the number of students arriving before that time, we will now commence supervision from next Monday 11 September from 8:00 AM. Supervision between 8:00 AM and 8:15 AM will take place outside the Scientia Building (at the Coghlan end). Can I please ask that parents/carers do not drop off their son/s before these times with the exception being those boys with co-curricular commitments before school.
- At 8:15 AM a bell will ring, and supervision will then revert to students’ normal areas:
- Junior students go to the Junior School yard, Junior Oval and Westcourt Library
- Year 7 students go to Smollett Place
- Years 8 and 9 go to Breen Oval seats and
- Years 10, 11 and 12 go to the Senior Lower Hodda yard.
- Staff supervision at Kiss and Ride commences at 8:15 AM. Can I please remind parents/carers again that as soon as you turn into Fraser Street, your son should alight from the car. This ensures that we can get students out of cars quickly to make the process efficient and get parents/carers moving on as quickly as possible.
- In the afternoon Kiss and Ride staff supervision operates from 3:10 PM – 3:45 PM.
It is important that all cars turn left from Shortland Avenue into Fraser Street and wait in line until directed forward by staff.
- If you know you are going to be late in the afternoon for pick-up, then your son/s should go to the McGlade Library where students are supervised in Homework Club.
- Can I please remind parents/carers that they should not be turning into Edgar Street from Marion Street and parking on the opposite side of the road to pick up their sons, then doing a U-turn in Edgar Street to leave. As we are a community, we need to support each other in this initiative. Students will be told they will receive a consequence if this practice continues.
- Bus line supervision commences from 3:10 PM until the last bus leaves.
- The bells for Period 1 ring at 8:35 AM. It is an expectation that students will be at the College by this time, ready to start work. Dropping off after this time disrupts the teaching and learning of both staff and students at the College.
I appreciate your support in working with us.
Adrian Byrne
Deputy Principal