Year 9 Soverign Hill Excursion



On Tuesday 29 August the Year 9 students were given the opportunity to visit Sovereign Hill in Ballarat. Students listened to a presenter discuss the origins of the gold fields in Ballarat and how migrants changed the landscape of this area when they came in search of gold. Throughout the day, students had the chance to watch a gold pour demonstration, pan for gold and venture down the Red Hill mine. I think the highlight for many was the opportunity to visit the lolly store to purchase boiled lollies or the bakery for a freshly baked meat pie or sausage roll.


The day was a perfect link to the themes being discussed in Year 9 English as well as the chance for the Year 9 students to look at their own identity and how they belong to the Marian community and beyond.


Donna Gaudiano (Year 9 Level Leader)