Humanities and Social Sciences

Investigating Perth Fieldwork, Young Geographer of the Year Competition and Australian Geography Competition

Investigating Perth Fieldwork

On Monday 21 August, our Year 12 Geography students participated in fieldwork exploring the Transit Orientated Development (TOD) in Subiaco, the CBD and the Inner Mixed Zone (IMZ) of Northbridge. 


Students met with Senior Lecturer at the School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences at Murdoch University, Allan Johnstone, in Subiaco to discuss the use of '20 minute' neighbourhoods, where people live and work in areas with short walking commutes and endless possibility of sustainable living. In the CBD, students assessed the design, processes and usability of St George’s Terrace and Hay Street. Walking through Yagan Square to see the connection between the zones, students made their way to Lake Street to assess urban changes in the IMZ, with different functions compared to the CBD. Perfect weather allowed us to explore the city and the quote for the day was 'don’t forget to look up' as we marvelled at architecture, design and innovation. It was an informative and enjoyable day out had by all to look at Perth’s urban design and planning. 

Young Geographer of the Year Competition

The Geographical Association of Western Australia (GAWA)'s Young Geographer of the Year Competition this year was hugely successful for St Norbert College. This year's theme was 'The World at 8 Billion' and allowed students to explore sustainability as the world has reached a population of 8 billion people. Students considered the impacts of changing demographics, the impacts this has on resources and the environment and the implications for future planning. 


Congratulations to Jarrah Swan (Year 8) for her poster on Changing Nations: The causes and consequences of urbanisation as cities grow in Australia and achieving a Certificate of Participation. 

Congratulations also goes to Kien Nguyen (Year 11) for his Geographical Inquiry: Global Networks and Interconnections and achieving a Highly Commended Award. 

Last but certainly not least, congratulations to Phoenix Wu (Year 12) for her winning entry, a Geographical Inquiry: Climate change, global environmental change and land cover change. Phoenix attended the GAWA conference to accept her certificate and cash prize. 


Miss D Pisconeri

(Humanities and Social Sciences Teacher and Climate Canons Co-ordinator)

Australian Geography Competition 

The Australian Geography Competition is held annually with over 73,000 secondary schools across Australia putting their geographical knowledge and skills to the test. The aim of the competition is to spark students interest in geography and reward student excellence.


Congratulations to Rutvi Amin (Year 11) who was ranked top two in Western Australia for this years competition. Rutvi has been invited to participate in The Big Week Out, a five-day event which focuses on fieldwork, spatial technologies and analytical skills, being held in Darwin later this year. After this four students will be chosen to represent Australia in the annual International Geography Olympiad in Dublin, Ireland next year. An amazing effort and a great opportunity. Well done, Rutvi.

Congratulations also goes to Luke Paradiso (Year 9) who was ranked top Year 9 student in Western Australia for this years competition. Another fantastic achievement. We're so proud of you, Luke.


Mrs L Cardenia

(Mathematics Teacher and Academic Excellence Co-ordinator)