Climate Canons

Keep Australia Beautiful Week

Keep Australia Beautiful Week

Keep Australia Beautiful (KAB) Week is held in August and is a time to raise awareness about the simple things we can all do in our daily lives to reduce our impact on the environment and encourage action to reduce litter.


The Climate Canons have been working hard to educate the College about their waste habits and they continue to innovate ideas on managing the College’s waste. We encourage all students to use the Containers for Change bins correctly and think about what they are throwing away and where it ends up.


On Wednesday 23 August, the Climate Canons hosted a Blooket quiz for students to test their knowledge on recycling. Congratulations to Levi Buthelho (Year 7) and Logan Santostefano (Year 8) for scoring the highest results. Prizes are coming your way!


Miss D Pisconeri

(Humanities and Social Sciences Teacher and Climate Canons Co-ordinator)