Junior School Council News

SuperHIRO Wednesday
Yesterday, students across the school celebrated SuperHIRO Wednesday. Nearly all students came dressed as their favourite superhero and we raised $259.75 for Bully Zero.
This money will support Bully Zero to deliver education and support programs across Australia, raising awareness of bullying and its impact on individuals and communities.
Thank you to everyone who came dressed up and donated money. Enjoy the photos of the BPPS Superheros below.
We hope you had a great day and that you will continue to actively promote kindness, safety, respect and harmony both at school and at home.
Book Week Celebration Day - Thursday 31st August
On Thursday 31st August, BPPS will be celebrating Book Week!
At 9am the whole school will gather in the stadium for a Costume and Book Parade.
In the afternoon, Mark Wilson, a respected author and illustrator will be talking to our students about reading and writing.
At 12noon, 4JT, 3/4B and all the Grade 5 & 6 will attend. Then after lunch at 1:50pm, the Foundation, Grade 1 and Grade 2 students will attend with 3AT and 3RO.
On the day we will be raising money for Books in Homes. https://booksinhomes.com.au/
Books in Homes is a charitable foundation that provides books-of-choice to children living in remote, disadvantaged and low socio-economic circumstances, ensuring crucial early literacy engagement and the development of reading skills needed for lifelong achievement.
So remember a Gold Coin to support Books in Homes and if you haven't already, start planning you Book Week costume!
Here are some photos from previous years to inspire you.
Further Term 3 Events
Please add the following date to your diary -
- FOOTY COLOURS DAY Tuesday 12th September (Week 10)