Join the fun. Be active. Get together 

Exciting new things are happening at OSHClub this term! We have a new coordinator, new activities and new weekly menus for all of the students to enjoy. 


Hi all, my name is Elisha Mitchell and I am the new coordinator for Boroondara Park OSH Club.  I have been in Melbourne for nearly a year and before that I was in Brisbane. My career background is varied, I started off in Early child care, then went to work in the equine industry for many years before going into disability. In both industries, I was in leadership positions. When I moved to Melbourne, I started work as an Integration aide and then found this role. I am very excited to take it on and make some changes. 


We have new adventure packs with great activities in them for all students. We will be implementing them this week and trialling different activities. We are also implementing a new healthier menu for snack squad. 


The holiday programs have been locked in so please book in if you would like your child to attend. There are some great excursions, incursions and theme days on offer. 

Bookings for BPPS 

Bookings can be made via the website or by contacting us on the details below: 


Boroondara Park OSHClub

Call at 0412 263 319;

Email at boroondarapark@oshclub.com.au


Accounts at head office:

Call at 1300 395 735;

Email at oshaccounts@junioradventuresgroup.com.au