Dear Parents and Carers,
This week we celebrate the Childrens Book Council of Australia’s Book Week. It is an annual event where schools and public libraries spend this magnificent week celebrating children’s authors and illustrators. Today, we come together as a school community to dress up and immerse ourselves in the world of literature. As parents and teachers we have a wonderful opportunity to pass on the beauty and wonder of storytelling through literature. It is a chance to instill lifelong reading habits, which will enable the children to access all kinds of wonderful information and learning. The burden of coming up with ideas and sourcing costumes is a distant memory, as we see the pure joy on the faces of the children as the come through the school gates. They run up to their friends and teachers, eagerly asking them about the costume and characters. That’s the magical moment when the love of books, characters and stories really takes hold. At St Agnes’ we have long been reinforcing the importance of reading every day with your children, especially in their early years of their education. Progress and achievement in reading in the early years is a key indicator of future academic success, so the investment of time and energy with your child will be rewarded! At Prep Information nights, the one take-home message we ask our parents to remember is the significance of the 20 minutes of nightly home reading. As the lives of our children get busier and busier, one thing I encourage all families to maintain, is the nightly reading routine. When I was younger, I loved reading the creative story writing of Roald Dahl; Fantastic Mr Fox, Esio Trot, The BFG, Matilda and George’s Marvellous Medicine were all engrossing titles that I still remember fondly. This week can also be a time for a special effort to share in literature and stories of your favourite authors. Thank you to Amanda Baker and Lynn Miller for their organisation of the day today and also to all of our families for supporting your children in preparing!
Father’s Day Celebrations
This week, we commence the preparations for celebrating our fathers, grandfathers and special male figures in our school community. It starts this week with the Father’s Day Stall on Friday 25th August. The children are able to bring up to $10 to school on Friday to purchase a gift for their dads. Thank you to our P&F for offering this option for the children. Siblings will be able to shop together, so dad doesn’t end up with multiples of the same gift.
On Thursday 31st August from 7.30am, we have the Father’s Day Breakfast and Celebrations. We encourage all St Agnes’ Dads or special person to get along to this special event. There will be breakfast in the hall and following breakfast there will be some special presentations from each of the classes, also in the hall. These presentations will commence at 8.20am, so we ask that all students are at school by this time please. Head across to the P&F section to purchase your tickets for this event.
On behalf of the staff, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all fathers, grandfathers and father figures a wonderful Father’s Day. May you be spoiled by your children and enjoy some family time.
School Production - Madagascar the Musical Jr
With the dress rehearsal now complete, the finishing touches are now being added to the production performance. The children are bursting with excitement to perform in front of family and friends. It promises to be a fantastic showcase of the talents of our students in the Performing Arts over the two nights.
Tickets are still available via Try Booking and include a drink and nibble at Interval (click on above button). For those who missed out on ordering full-colour, professionally printed production program, these will be for sale on entry to the theatre. There has been plenty of communication sent via Operoo regarding specifics for the event, but below are the highlights.
Tuesday 5th September - Rehearsal and Opening Night-
Children to wear Sports Uniform on Tuesday.
8.30am - 8.45am: Year 5/6 students to be dropped at Gate 2 of Kilbreda College, Como Parade West.
8.30-8.45am: Prep - Year 4 students are to arrive as normal at St Agnes’
10am: Prep to Year 4 students will travel by coach to Kilbreda College
10.30am - 1.30pm: Whole-school rehearsal at Kilbreda College
1.45pm: All students to travel by coach back to St Agnes’
3.25pm: Student dismissal as normal
5.30pm: Year 5/6 Main cast arrive for make up and costume fitting
6.00pm-6.15pm: All Prep to Year 4 students arrive for dressing
6.30pm: Doors Open for guests
7.00pm: Show commences
Interval - Refreshments included
8.30pm: Show concludes
On Wednesday 5th September, where possible, I encourage all families to give your children a ‘sleep in’ to recover from night Opening Night and to refresh for night two. It will be a very low-key day at school on the Wednesday. We will follow the same routine for drop off on the second night of performance. Please note, we are asking parents to assist with hair and base make-up. In some year levels, further detail with face make up is required. Specific information has been communicated to parents regarding this. If you require assistance with make up, please contact your Class Rep or Amanda Baker.
Here’s a sneak peak of some of the rehearsals in action…
Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS)
Each year in Term Three, students in Years 4-6 and all families and staff are invited to complete MACSSIS, the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Survey. The main aim of the survey is to identify the strengths and
areas for development. The data provides valuable information that the school uses to inform the St. Agnes’ School Improvement Plan and Annual Action Plan. Parents are encouraged to participate in the survey to provide a parent voice to help shape the ongoing improvement of the school. Parents will be able to complete the survey anytime over a three-week window between Monday 28 August to Friday 15 September 2023. Be on the lookout for an emailed link and password which will be provided to each family on Monday 29th August.
Spring is in the air - Asthma Management Plans
With some warmer weather and a feeling of Spring in the air, it is time for a gentle reminder for everyone to get their child's Asthma Management Plan up to date and provide this to the school please.
Sacrament of First Eucharist
Congratulations to those children who received the blessed Eucharist for the first time on Saturday evening. It was a wonderful occasion as the children take the next step in their faith journey. The second group of children will receive the sacrament this coming weekend.
Kelly Sports - School Holiday Program
I am pleased to confirm that Kelly Sports will be running a Holiday Program at our school in the upcoming school holidays. After a number of attempts to organise a Extend Vacation Care I am very pleased to have this onsite solution for our families. As the name suggests, Kelly Sports run a variety of sporting exercises to keep your child active during the holidays. Please head across to Community News for more information.
Assemblies are in the Hall on Wednesday afternoons. Parents are welcome to attend. At assembly, there will be presentations from classes, student awards, birthday acknowledgements and special announcements from student leaders.
Wed 30th Aug - Year 6 Leadership
Wed 6th Sept - No Assembly (post-production)
Wed 13th Sept - No class presentation
Enjoy the rest of your week.
Kind regards,