What Did You Do At School?


Wow! The last two weeks have been FULL of learning and fun. We loved exploring the topic of capacity in Mathematics. It was interesting to explore how much water different containers could hold. Did you know that a Coca-Cola bottle has a larger capacity than a takeaway container? We enjoyed making predictions and then using water to check if we were right. 


In Writing, we have been learning to write simple procedures. First, we practised giving clear instructions verbally. Our teacher listened carefully to our steps and successfully made a jam sandwich! We then wrote instructions on how to use the slide carefully and how to complete our homework. We wonder what exciting adventure we will get up to next?

Year 1

We have been culinary chefs, exploring the different foods of cultures around the world. It was a highlight making pasta dough, mixing and kneading, and creating our own pasta shapes. We have also enjoyed playing traditional games from Italy and China, especially Bocce. We have been creative artists, decorating and making Chinese paper lanterns. We love how God has created such a beautiful world of people.

Year 2

We have been learning all about different cultures in our Integrated Studies. We celebrated throughout our International Week and had an amazing presentation from the wonderful Mrs Sernio. She talked about her parents’ journey to migrate to Australia from Italy and how to make delicious lasagne the traditional way. We also had a beautiful shadow puppet presentation that showcased Chinese culture, and we made our own Chinese Lanterns. As we continue to investigate the different food, games, celebrations, and music of different cultures, we have also been encouraged to learn more about our family’s origins. It has been a rich experience hearing stories and celebrating the diversity in our school community. In the coming weeks, we will explore Indian dancing and Nigerian music. We can’t wait to showcase all our learning later in the term!

Year 3

Our classrooms are buzzing with excitement as we prepare for our upcoming musical, Seussical JR! Our teachers have been blown away by our sensational singing, delightful dancing and engaging expressions during our rehearsals. In fact, we’ve been so committed to our roles that our classrooms have turned into Whoville! While exploring strategies to help us find totals of money, Mr Who has been training us in Whoies, so that we can practise paying for items and calculating change. It’s been wonderful to see our confidence grow as we use dollars and cents, especially in preparation for running the Father’s Day Stall for the Junior School. We loved learning how to sell products to our peers and seeing their faces light up in anticipation for the gifts they will give their dad or cherished men in their lives.

Year 4

How to make a lamb

Gently and firmly pick the strongest bones of them all, frail and delicate, hollow pieces. Assemble them into the frame of a frail lamb. Imagine its energetic body frolicking around. Produce the finest and softest wool for your adored lamb. Imagine a woolly creature on a cold winter night. Make sure to give it enough wool to keep it warm and happy. Press it on, firm and tight. Then give your creation a heart, one that pumps and pounds, one that is strong and loud. Imagine it running hard and fast, its heart racing.


Gently press its thoughts into place, happy thoughts that will keep it safe. Imagine a lamb all alone, no one to tend it or lead it home. It needs thoughts that will keep it going, thoughts that cry out encouragement. 


Now, gently but firmly set it upright. Watch it proud and strong, reach its full height. See it come to life, its wool clinging tight. Be strong, be proud. 


Caringly set the sins of the people upon its back. Feel its power and stealth come alive. Let it loose as it carries the burdens of sin. Be proud that you have made a lamb to bring the people closer to Me.

Sarah Wang (4W)


How to make a friend

Look around for any sign of loneliness, a cold dark place with nothing but white and black. The person with loneliness will be your project.

Next, go up to them, the person in the grey world, and add some of your vibrant colour to their life. Ask a thoughtful question, or if they want to play. As you do this, the greyness of their lonely world will start to melt and be replaced by vibrant colours.


Take the person by their hand and show them what the colourful world looks like. Show them red, like a raspberry, blue like a blueberry and yellow like a banana. Show them what they have been missing this whole time, in their dark, grey world.

Finally, show your new friend how to shine their vibrance that they now have in them to other people in a lonely dark world. Show them that they can conquer the grey world and help other people do the same. 


Help them see how amazing they are, and how amazing they can be. Pray that God will lead them to do what you have just done.

And only now, do you have a true friend.

Charisma Gray (4W)

Year 5

This week, we have been presented with big issues people may face and have had the opportunity to discuss topics such as illiteracy, poverty, sanitation and malnutrition. As we prepared for our presentations, we researched to carefully select an aid agency that supported our big issue. These presentations gave us many eye-opening facts about these issues, showing the reality of what life can be like for children from different parts of the world and how it compares to our own lives.

Year 6

We practised poetry in Year 6, by experimenting with writing limericks.

Writing was so fun, we certainly did not want to run, while using our new poetry tricks.


There once was a man named Pat,

Who loved to sit on a mat.

He fell out of a tree,

And hit his knee,

Sadly his face became flat.

by Noah Chen (6B)


There once was a boy called Bo,

Who had a large, infected toe.

He went to the doctor,

But got shoved in a locker,

Now he’s full of woe.

by Hayley Corrigan (6B)


There once was a woman from Spain,

Who was extremely excessively vain.

As she looked in the mirror,

To her immense terror,

On her new dress was a miniscule stain.

by Leah Chen (6B)