P & F News

What a weekend!

Lindfield Art Show and Fair - the year the goat escaped…

I hope everyone has had a great week despite the turn to rain this morning!

It’s so great to hear all the chatter about last weekend’s Lindfield Art Show and Fair among parents as we pass through school this week. I, for one, am very proud of our school community and how we came together to put on a fantastic weekend. We welcomed more than 160 people to our Opening night preview event last Friday, including the Mayor of Kur-ring-gai Jeff Pettett and our local MP Matt Cross, who both addressed the crowd and commended the school on continuing to be such great custodians to this near half-century-old event.


A highlight of Friday night’s event must have been the band – Over and Out – with our very own Alejandro Gonzales on the drums! The BEST cover of La Bamba ever!! Over and Out play regularly on the Northern Beaches and it was suggested we share their next performance date/location to have an informal Holy Family social night (aka groupy gathering!) – watch this space!



The Fair on Saturday, with the fabulous spring sunshine, was a great success! Despite a few hiccups during set up – like the goat escaping his enclosure and heading off on an adventure around Lindfield – the day was a constant buzz of laughter, music, good food and coffee. I’m sure there were plenty of mid-afternoon sugar crashes after the popularity of the fairy floss station!


Events like these don’t happen without the enormous support of our community – whether you were one of the parents who came to help man an activity for an hour on Saturday, or answered the SOS to dash to the shops for supplies in the week leading up to the event, or even came along to help paint gallery walls and hang artwork – every single contribution counts and the event simply does not happen without it all.



I do want to call out a few people specifically who went above and beyond behind the scenes to make sure things were planned, communicated and delivered seamlessly over last weekend: Stephen Xu (KG); Kate Wheeler (KW/Y1); Jen & Dominik Frauendienst (Y4); Michael Le (Y2); Diana Lo (Y1/Y5); Virginia Smirniotis (Y5/Y2); Chantelle & Rob Moylan (Y4); Dee & Phil Antcliff (Y4); Bec & James Turner (Y6); Nicole & Joel Budge (Y6/Y4/Y2); Michelle Williamson (Y6/Y3) and Emily Manion (Year 2).  A special shout out also to Chirstine Chan – our Art Show Coordinator – who feels like a part of our school community after working with us for this long!


The P&F and LASF team are busy wrapping up the post-event admin and will be sure to communicate the final financial result once available. Any surplus made over the weekend will be earmarked to invest in upgrading our AV and VC capabilities in the school hall and library as a priority (no more sound system fails for kids' performances!) and further invest in access to music programs such as the school band.

Father’s Day Breakfast Raffle – CORRECTION!

There is a reason people say never to work with children, animals or live technology! Our random winner generator wheel failed on the morning of the Father’s Day raffle. Sincere apologies to all the dads who waited with bated breath to see if their names might be drawn! You’ll be glad to hear that we’ve fixed the issue and have now drawn our winners list. Congratulations to:


Tobias Brinkmann (Zander – Y5 ) 

Eoin Connolly (Eabha – Y2)

Alexdander Simpson (Olivia Simpson – Y6)

Michael Horan (Winnie - KW)

Lawrence Wong (Caitlin – Y4 / Joshua – Y3)



What’s Happening Later This Year

School Disco – tentative date Friday 27th October  We’ve not held our school disco since 2019 and 2023 feels like the year it will make it’s return. BUT we need an organising team to help plan and deliver the event. If you are interested please contact Olwyn directly.


COLOUR RUN Friday 24th November – it’s back and will be bigger and more colourful than ever! Our second fun-raising event in our calendar year this event guarantees to delight both our kids AND the parent volunteers alike! A small team of 4 is needed to help plan and deliver this event – if you’d like to help out please contact Olwyn directly.


Year 6 Graduation Celebration – date TBC – end of an era for our amazing Year 6 class. Plans are underway for an equally amazing evening to celebrate the first chapter of their school journey and send them off to high school in style. Year 5 & Year 6 classes are coordinating.


As always if you’d like to get involved in our school community by volunteering your time to help with the events, or contributing to the oversight of how we as a community can work with and support our school via the P&F we’d love to hear from you. Email: HolyFamilyLindfieldPF@gmail.com


Have a great weekend, and as always if you’d like to share any feedback or have a chat feel free to reach out!


Watch this space for more Art Show + Fair photos!  Coming soon! 


Yours in art,

Olwyn Connolly

P&F President