Religious Education Coordinator



Just as Jesus called his first Apostles to come and follow him, Jesus has called us all. We pray, asking Jesus for the courage to follow him in our everyday lives and to live the challenge of the Gospel.


Albert Camus once said, “Don’t walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me, I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend.”

If we reflect on this saying with Jesus in mind, this may be our prayer…

Jesus, walk in front of me as my guide on the way to the Father.

Jesus, walk behind me, so I know I never have to stand alone.

Jesus, walk beside me as my friend. You became like me so I can be more like you.



If I take the hand of Jesus, he may take me places I really don’t want to go.

If I take the hand of Jesus, he may ask me to care less about stuff and more about people.

If I take the hand of Jesus, he may ask me to do what is right and not just what is popular.

If I take the hand of Jesus, he may ask me to reach out to people whom no one else really cares about.

If I take the hand of Jesus, he may ask me to be the first one who refuses to keep on fighting.

If I take the hand of Jesus, he may ask me to be the last so that another can be first.

If I take the hand of Jesus, I may learn to see with my heart and not just my eyes.

If I take the hand of Jesus, nothing will ever be the same.

An excerpt from Prayer Services Hakowski (2006) 


I invite you take a moment to be silent and to be with Jesus and share the prayers in your heart.

Liana Stella