Shining Star Award 

28th August 

Assembly 3

 Term 3 – Assembly 3





Lucy MLucy, you approach your learning with curiosity, you seek to understand ‘why’ and you are determined. You are a tenacious learner and I love watching you achieve great things! 
 Harry RHarry, it is exciting to watch your progress in your reading and writing. You are writing wonderful stories that include interesting words and even have a message for your readers. Wow! 


Hamish BFor your dedication and commitment to your literacy learning in the last month! We are so proud of your progress.
 Isla SFor your commitment to learning your magic words and reading them in a sentence. What a reading star!


Hugh CHugh greets his classmates every day with kind words, hugs and big smiles! He helps out his friends whenever he sees a problem. 
 Caleb HFor putting in a big effort in all his learning activities. Caleb never gives up and works hard to get the job done!! 
 Tahnie SFor becoming a brave writer and having a go at spelling new and tricky words. She is writing journal news and stories with new and interesting words. 


Phoenix KYou are such a star for working so hard on your writing. Your perseverance is wonderful! Well done! 


Bonnie CWow, Bonnie. We love the way you always try so hard to produce your best work and think carefully about what you are learning. You are a super star! 


Eva McFor taking increasing care in the tasks you complete with a “can do”, positive attitude. 
 Archer GFor always bringing positive and enthusiastic energy to our class community. 


Asha CYou persevere through challenges and show enthusiasm for learning. I love your positive attitude. You are an inspiration to others! 


Lily CFor your growth mindset and commitment to learning. You are always open to try new things and seek feedback to support your understanding. You are soaring in Grade Three! 
 Greer MGreer, your calm, thoughtful and hard-working disposition has set you up for success on your learning journey! You are a wonderful role model to your peers in 3A.  


Victoria JThanks for sharing your logical problem-solving strategies with us all during Maths - it really helps us to hear you doing your thinking out loud!


Sophie CFor always demonstrating a consistent work ethic and an endeavour to always improve on ‘yesterday’. You work so incredibly hard to get the most out of every learning task offered. 
 Maddy WThank you Maddy for the joy you bring when you share your writing. You engage your audience through your carefully selected vocabulary and your creative use of punctuation. What an incredible author you are!   


Gracie MFor your positive and enthusiastic approach to all learning opportunities. You set a great example to others. Keep shining, Gracie! 


Ava JFor always giving your best effort in class while being a kind and considerate friend to everyone. You are awesome Ava! 


Maple LMaple, it has been such a joy to watch your growth this year, both as a person and a learner. You are making incredible progress and your fantastic attitude to problem solving and giving all learning tasks your best effort helps you to achieve your goals. I am so very proud of you! 


Ariella HFor her outstanding work in the 3-6 production. Well done for all your hard work and determination. It certainly paid off.  


Skye SFor taking initiative and helping others. We appreciate your kindness. 
 Noah CFor taking initiative and helping others. We appreciate your kindness. 
 Bonnie SFor taking initiative and helping others. We appreciate your kindness. 


Isla CYour close attention to detail when solving division problems and carefully recording your working out ensures accuracy. 
 Callum PYou stepped outside of your comfort zone and learnt new skills in sound production, which was a huge help in our ‘What A Knight’ production. 


Fin CYou think deeply about your learning with boundless curiosity. Your unwavering diligence and commitment to your learning inspires us all. Keep pushing the boundaries of your knowledge to extend yourself.


Christy KFor approaching maths with tenacity and focus. It is exciting to watch you take on challenging tasks with confidence, determined to find a solution to all problems.