
Visual Arts

Grade 1 and 2

What a beautiful display we have developing along the kick-rail at the base of the ramp outside the Artroom. Thanks to the Grade 1s and 2s for their creativity and careful painting.

Grade 4

Students in Grade 4 enjoyed designing, etching and printing their lino onto paper for their Dad for Father's Day. There was lots of experimenting with printing technique before the final piece was framed. 

Grade 6

Students created a scene out of clay of a special place that they like to enjoy with their Dad or special person. Check out the detail and texture these students have achieved!



Victorian Netball Championship

On Thursday, 31st August, our Grade 6 Girls Netball Team competed at the Victorian Netball Championships State Finals. Making it to this occasion, held at the State Netball and Hockey Centre, was a huge honour. 

The girls did themselves and our school incredibly proud, progressing through the pool matches and semi-finals to make it all the way to the grand final. In this match, they pushed the eventual champions right to the limit, missing out on winning by 2 points. To be the second best team in the state is simply amazing. 

We would like to thank Vanessa for coaching the girls all the way through. Thanks also to the families of the girls for supporting them to enjoy this tremendous experience. 



Grade 3 and 4

Students have been exploring how to sign pronouns in Auslan, as well as learning various signs that help them describe another person. Below are some examples of students describing a friend or family member in Auslan.



Grade 5 and 6

Students have investigated and learnt signs relating to past and future tense. As part of their learning snapshot for this term they created short instructional videos to help teach other people these Auslan signs.