From the Assistant Principal

Adele Brice

Policies for Community Feedback 

The Education Sub Committee has recently reviewed the policies listed below. 

We now welcome feedback from our community around these two policies. Please email me directly at with your suggestions by Friday 6th October. 

  • Bullying Prevention Policy
  • Child Safe Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy and Procedure


School Uniform Update

We will be introducing a school beanie to our school uniform in 2024, the beanie should be ready to be purchased for winter next year. 

We also have the option of introducing a Puffer Jacket to our uniform through PSW (Uniform Supplier). 

To do this we would need to remove the Soft Shell Polyester Jacket from our uniform list. 

In terms of records received from PSW it indicates that only 10 Soft Jackets have been sold so far in 2023 which leaves us feeling the soft shell jacket may not be a popular uniform choice.

Please complete this short survey to indicate your preference regarding the jacket option -


Student arrival time before school - 8.35am onwards

With the warmer weather upon us, we are starting to see students arrive earlier at school.

As previously communicated, teachers are not on duty in the yard until 8.35am. 

Should your child arrive before this time and be unsupervised, they will be asked to wait in the office area until 8.35am.


Further reminder about Dogs on the School Premises

We understand that many families in our school community keep dogs as pets. To ensure that our school remains a safe and inclusive place for everyone, pet dogs are not permitted on school grounds during school hours  (8.35m - 4.30pm) unless a prior arrangement has been made with the school. 

Please refer to this link to read the policy relating to Dogs on the School Premises.


Communication with School Policy

We understand the importance of providing helpful and timely responses to common enquiries from parents and carers. To ensure you are directed to the most appropriate person to assist with your enquiry, please read the Communication with School Policy.


If you wish to contact your child's teacher via email, you are requested to do so via the following channels - direct teacher email addresses are not provided.

  1. via the school's email address;
  2.  via the principal team member allocated to your child's level

Prep - 2: Julie Crawford (Principal) -

Levels 3 - 6: Adele Brice (Assistant Principal) -


Child Safe Update

Child Safe Standard 4 - Families and communities are informed and changed in promoting child safety and wellbeing


Volunteer Child Safe Training

We are mandated (without exemption) to provide annual training for all volunteers working in our school. People who trained in Term 4 2022 are now encouraged to update their training so we can continue to have you volunteering at our school.

Upcoming training sessions are:

Thursday 12th October 5.15-5.45pm (online)

Friday 20th October 9.00-9.30am (onsite)

Links for the sessions are available on the Parent Sentral Calendar.


Family Engagement in Learning

Partnering with parents/carers is important to us as we know this plays a vital role in a child's education. Parents are a child's first and most influential teachers, shaping their values, attitudes, and work ethic from a very early age. When parents actively engage in their child's educational journey, it fosters a strong support system that reinforces the value of learning at home and school. This collaboration encourages lifelong learning, resilience, and success for the child.



Wishing you all a wonderful Term 3  break. I look forward to connecting with you in Term 4.



                                                    Adele Brice - Assistant Principal