Principal's Message 

Julie Crawford 

What a busy end to the term we have had!  One of our most recent highlights has been our Grade 1/2 Market Day which saw our families come along to see the amazing work our students have been doing in CBL on endangered animals.  As part of taking action, students had made a variety of items including bird houses, iced biscuits, seed balls, frogs in jelly and beautiful keychain, magnet and lanyard moths to sell at their Market Day event. The students raised over $1000 to go towards the 'adopting a koala' program and the saving the Baw Baw Frog program at the Melbourne Zoo.  Great work Grade 1/2s!



Other highlights have been our Grade 6 Graduation fundraiser Footy Day, our Father's Day Breakfast, Senior Hooptime and the wonderful Grade 3/4 camp this week to Phillip Island.  All of these fantastic opportunities are only possible because of the exceptional teachers, support staff and community that  we have at Wonga Park .  A huge thank you to everyone for making these learning experiences possible for our students.


Learning Updates

Term 3 Learning Updates are now available via the Sentral.  The update is designed to enable parents to have more regular information about how their child's learning is progressing.  If you would like to discuss anything in the update please contact your child's classroom teacher.  


Prep 2024

We are very excited to be welcoming our 2024 preps next term as they start their transition program.  We are looking forward to getting to know our new preps and their families and our Grade 5s are super excited that they will be meeting their prep buddies soon! 


2024 Planning

It is hard to believe but it is the time of the year that we begin planning for the next year ahead.  We ask that if you and your family are planning on leaving WPPS at the end of the year, please let the school office know as soon as you are in the position to do so. (This excludes students in Grade 6). 


Performing Arts

Sadly, we farewelled Mrs O'Sullivan this week.  We thank her for her contribution to Wonga Park this year particularly the senior production and senior choir.  we wish her well in the future.

We are very excited to start using our new Performing Arts space next term!  Many thanks to Mr Read and the Green Team members who added the final touch of plants around the building today!


Curriculum Day

Just a reminder that we have a pupil free curriculum day on the Monday, 2nd October We look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday, October 3rd.


Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday.  Hoping you get lots of time to enjoy the spring sunshine!

