Junior School

Book Week 2023

Last Wednesday, our Kinder children and Junior School students celebrated Book Week by dressing up as their favourite book characters! The day included a costuime parade at Assembly, where all students and teachers got to show off their amazing costumes.


The Prep's have had the most wonderful two weeks at swimming! Some of our highlights include the bus, sinkies, games, swimming and everything (as shared to me by the Prep's). Thank you so much to all the parents for helping us bring all the right uniforms and swimming gear to school every day, and for the many loads of washing that had to happen to get things ready for the next day!


Eden Romero

Prep Teacher

Year 1

We have had a busy time these past few weeks. Book Week and Swimming have been an exciting focus for all of the children. We are so appreciative of our wonderful parents who came along to assist the children with their clothing and swimming routines, joined us on the bus ride and cheered the children on from the pool deck. Thank you. We are also grateful for the time you invest into your child’s learning and school activities throughout the year. Once again, our families have gone the extra mile in creating amazing costumes to celebrate Book Week. 


With Father’s Day approaching this weekend, the children enjoyed making a card and special gift to share with them. They also came up with a list of words to describe their Dad. Funny, great, hardworking, cool, cuddly, kind, playful, the best, handsome, big and strong, helpful, nice, fun, fast at running, cute, colourful, happy, loves nature, clever, makes good food, sneaky, smart, tall, and the best of all. Happy Father’s Day to all of our Dads.


Kerry Snook

Year 1 Teacher

Year 2

What a full two weeks it has been! Last week we celebrated Book Week and began swimming lessons. The Year 2's looked amazing as they came dressed up as their favourite book characters on Wednesday! Mrs Neild also completed a super fun activity with the Year 2's for Book Week. Mrs Nield read the book Accidentally Kelly Street, then introduced the class to the song. Students had to create a dance to the song and then perform it (on the new outdoor stage). 


Swimming has been wonderful and the Year 2's have done an amazing job!


In Maths, we have been focusing on Measurement. The Year 2's have been out and about the classroom and school looking at measurements in centimetres, metres, litres and kilograms.


Finally, I'd also love to congratulate Henry D for his outstanding work on his Father's Day drawing for the Rotary Club competition which won first place. Well done, Henry, you are an amazing artist! (see below for an article on this). Praying that all of the Fathers and Father figures have a lovely weekend and enjoy their little gifts!


Alissa Griffin

Year 2 Teacher

Year 3

The Year 3 students have been writing coding programs through Code.org. Through this online program, they are given a challenge to solve. They order command blocks to create a set of instructions for a computer to follow. We have learned about loops, events, nested loops and conditionals. Sometimes the more difficult puzzles require a lot of trial and error before they achieve success. I love seeing their excitement, motivation and perseverance to rise to these challenges. So far the Dance party has been the favourite where students choose a song, background, characters and develop a dance routine to coincide with the timing of the song. It's so much fun creating unique computer programs.


Carolyn McDonald

Year 3 Teacher

Year 4

Year 4 students have just about run out of petrol after an incredible two weeks of swimming! As an ex-swimming teacher, I'm so pleased with the improvement some students have made. Back in the classroom we have just finished series one of My Place, an ABC production that centres each story around the same place every 10 years. Each episode is centered around a 10-year-old child and represents different parts of our lives from the language, games, fashion and behaviour. The series is part of our inquiry unit that is centred around change. The students are looking forward to displaying their work during our Learning & Creative Arts Showcase on Wednesday 13th September. We all hope and pray that all the Fathers and Father figures have a wonderful Father's Day this Sunday and enjoy the little gift made by our students.


Steve Griffin & Christie Stephen 

Assistant Head of Junior School / Junior School Teacher

Year 6

Year 6 have had a wonderful time at our swimming lessons this week. We've learnt a lot, practiced new skills and had a load of fun.


Coral Robertson

Year 6 Teacher

Rotary Father of the Year Award

Earlier in the term, students from every Primary School in the district were invited to enter an application to nominate their father for the annual Rotary Father of the Year Award.  There were three categories; Foundation to Year 2, Years 3 and 4, and Year 5 to 6 as well as a Father Figure category. On Wednesday morning I attended the awards breakfast that saw Henry D win the Foundation to Year 2 award for his drawing of him and his father James. Congratulations Henry and James, what an honour it was to be with you for this award. I pray that your relationship will shine the love of Jesus to those around you.


Steve Griffin 

Assistant Head of Junior School