Early Learning

“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.”
Genesis 2:15
Our Christian faith calls us to care about our world and to love and protect God’s amazing creation. Tearfund have named seven practical everyday ideas to encourage us on our journey of caring for God’s creation. Number one is 'Go Outside':
Connecting with creation and being reminded of God’s goodness is a powerful way to motivate ourselves and others to care for our Earth. Not only that, but numerous research studies also show spending time in creation is so good for us in many ways – mentally, physically and spiritually.
During our play outside recently a beautiful white feather was found, sparking amazement in the children and desire to know more. Where did it come from? What type of bird might have lost a feather? Were there any more to be found? One of the children suggested the feather might have come from a Magpie, while others suggested an Eagle or a Seagull. We decided to take the children on an impromptu walk around the school grounds next to our Kinder - on a hunt for treasures.
Each child was given a little bag to collect any special items they came across. On our walk we found more feathers, little flowers, leaves, twigs, rocks and even small pieces of rubbish. We walked past a shipping container behind the gym and stopped to listen – some thought there might be Unicorns inside having a rest! After our adventure some of the children were eager to examine some of the items they had collected.
As we ‘go outside’ each day at Kinder with the children and increase our knowledge of the natural environment through play-based activities, it is our hope that the children will show a growing appreciation and care for His creation and give thanks to Him for the beautiful world we live in.
Hayley Pallister
Early Learning Teacher