Principal's Report

Angela Dawson

Year 5 and Prep Working Bee

Thank you to the large crowd that turned out for our Working Bee on Sunday! Many hands made light work of our garden beds - we now have 10 freshly sown garden beds ready just in time for some spring planting.


The plan for these beds is for classes to 'adopt a bed'. They will then take responsibility for it for Term 4. They will be given a small budget per garden bed and will be able to choose what is planted and care for it over the term. We hope to then grow some vegetables to sell to the community!


A huge THANK YOU goes out to Lauren Aitchison for her organisation prior to and on the day, as well as the wonderful group of parents who put together a delicious morning tea for everyone who attended - Victoria Miller, Yasemin Savran and Naama Zohar.


Term 3/4 holiday break

As we come into the holiday break, I wish safe travels to those of you taking time away from Melbourne, and a restful time to those of you staying close to home.


I would also like to take this time to wish all of those celebrating Rosh Hashanah this weekend a shana tovah (literally means 'good year').