School News

Term 3, 2023

Principals Message

Dear Parents/Guardians,


Spring has finally arrived, and it has been great to see classes making the most of the weather outside during the day.


'RUOK' Day

RUOK Day is more than just a question; it's a movement dedicated to promoting mental health awareness and reducing the stigma surrounding mental health issues. It encourages us to reach out to friends, family members, and colleagues and ask them how they are truly feeling. Sometimes, this one question can be a lifeline for someone who may be struggling with their mental health, making them feel heard and understood. Today, students completed an activity to develop their understanding of the importance of seeking help. This is displayed in the library as part of our library garden.


Sustainability Learning Centre

We are excited to announce that the first part of our Sustainability Learning Centre has arrived. Located at the back of the school along the residential fence line, the outdoor area will be approximately 60 x 20 metres in size. Seating for the outdoor classroom has been purchased after much contemplation around design and practicality. We are currently comparing fencing quotes for this area and are considering a partnership with Food Ladder for the installation of a 20-metre green house. Watch this space because exciting things are happening...


Sunny Stones - Grade 3 Camp/ Discovery Centre- Grade 2 sleepover

It was great to be able to participate in the grade 3 camp at Bacchus Marsh this week. Though there were a few initial tears about missing a good night kiss or a misplaced item - the students had an absolute ball! From Geocaching to low ropes, camp cooking and bush walks - all students were engaged and enjoying their first 'real' camp.

Our grade 2's had a fabulous night at the Discovery Centre, going down the verical slide, going into the observatory to watch the stars and planets, eating pizza and have an all round great time.  They are well and truly ready for their grade 3 camp now!

I would like to say a big thank you to the staff who worked the extra hours to ensure that the students overnight experience was a great one.


New LCD Display

A two-metre screen will be installed on the side of the music room's brick wall. This will allow us to display reminders and regular updates about the daily happenings around the school. 


Hats and Uniform

A reminder that Term 4 and 1 are our official SunSmart seasons and hats must be worn daily. It would be great if parents could wash and/or check that their child has a school hat. The uniform shop has plenty in stock.


Some students have been wearing a range of coloured/branded jumpers, t-shirts and pants to school. Bike shorts should not be worn - running tights are currently being negotiated between junior and adult school councils.


Uniforms promote a sense of belonging and equality among students. When everyone wears the same uniform, it minimizes distinctions based on clothing, status, or fashion trends. This helps to create a more inclusive environment where students are judged by their character and abilities rather than what they are wearing. Please let the school know if you are having any financial difficulty purchasing uniform - we may be able to help.



Next term e welcome 3 new recruits to our Epsom staff.  Tom McGregor will continue in the role of supporting teacher at our school for term 4. We have a new teacher, Amy Delikatzis who has been appointed to 2M with our new Educational Support (ES) member, Jenny McCarthy.  Kirsty Lister who works in this class currently as an ES, will be working in the library and providing Intervention support in literacy with our teachers Anne Dellar and Sue Hadlow.  Welcome to our team!


I wish you all a great break and hope you get to spend some quality time together as a family. 


Julie Ladd



Our website is where you can access our policies and documents. Please head to the Policies and Documents Tab on the website to access:

  • Child Safe Standards and Policies
  • Health Related Polices
  • Curriculum Framework and School Policies
  • Administration Policies

Please call the office or use Compass to explain your child's absence.  It is a Department of Education and Training requirement that all student absences are explained.  As a school we will be seeking an explanation for all unexplained absences with parents and carers.