Creating Lasting Impacts in Regional Areas

Coffs Harbour

On Thursday 7th September, Year 10 students Layla Wicks, Ebony Haywood, Charles Rose, Josh Fowler, Elora Graham, Libby Kleindienst, Ella Saul, Riley Spiteri, Evie Boatswain and Kirsten Morn travelled up to Pacific Bay Resort in Coffs Harbour to attend the 'Social Impact in the Regions Conference.' 


The event aimed to equip attendees with the tools, techniques, beliefs, and practices needed to create a lasting impact in regional communities. The ten students from Kempsey High School, plus three students from Macksville High, were the only teenagers in a room full of 150+ powerful and inspirational adults. 


The day kicked off with a warm "Welcome to Country," followed by an insightful panel discussion on the current social impact landscape in Australia. Speakers like Kylie Flament and Jay Boolkin shared insights into who is creating impact and what is changing in the country. Rebel Black, Dr. Gregory Smith OAM, and Professor Jack Beetson shared inspiring stories.


Breakout sessions followed, offering students a diverse range of insights into social impact such as regional case studies, place-based design, funding strategies, impact measurement tools, and personal strengths.




















Lunch was a time for networking and reflection, facilitated by Taz and Em from Future Isles. It provided students with an opportunity to connect with others and digest the knowledge they had absorbed.


The Social Impact in the Regions Conference ignited a spark within the Kempsey High students, inspiring them to envision themselves as future change-makers in our regional community. The event organisers received nothing but positive feedback from a huge number of attendees about our student's positivity, enthusiasm, insight and leadership skills. 


I am incredibly proud of the ten young people who attended this conference, and I am positive that with their newfound knowledge and connections, as leaders they will make a tremendous positive social impact.


Mrs McKay

Year 10 Advisor.