School Industry Connections Day

Jobs and Careers Exp

SIC Day in the Macleay

Students in Years 10 and 11 attended the School Industry Connections (SIC) Day at the Kempsey Showground during Week 4. They met with people from a range of local and statewide organisations that offer traineeships/apprenticeships and full-time employment opportunities. Alongside these displays were a range of training organisations such as universities and TAFE and other support services. 

Not only did it look like our students had heaps of fun and went away with lots of information, but they were also all respectful, polite and well presented. Lots of organisations commented on how wonderful the Kempsey High students were and the really great questions that many students asked.


I am very proud of the way in which these students represented Kempsey High School.

If any students need support to follow up with anyone they spoke with on the day, please come and see me in the Transition Office (downstairs in B Block).


Mrs Bailey

Transition Adviser