CSPS Awards

Congratulations to the CSPS Students who received Student of the Week. 

Junior Assembly


Year LevelStudent NameReason
PAZac BFor putting so much effort into his fantastic writing! Well done Zac!
PABillie SFor your positive attitude to all learning tasks. Billie, your smile makes us all smile!
PBHarlow FFor the improved efforts and perseverance she is showing in learning to read and write.
PBTeddy LFor the enthusiasm he is showing towards achieving his learning goals and completing lesson activities.
PCTommy LFor being a principled member of Prep C.
PCTheo AFor producing outstanding artwork to express his feelings and emotions.
PDBillie WFor persisting at her reading and reading more words independently.
PDJesse BFor putting an amazing effort into our concert rehearsals. What a superstar!
1ACelestine LFor trying so hard to learn the dances for our school concert.
1AZara NFor being so enthusiastic in our concert rehearsals. 
1BValentina AFor confidently reading the time during a game of Clock Bingo.
1BMaebel CFor bravely reading her weekend recount to the class.
1CCharlotte CFor working so hard to make wonderful progress in her writing skills.
1CLev LFor always making positive choices and being a great role model for others.
2ALeigh LFor working hard on his editing and uplevelling skills to improve his written work. Great additional details, Leigh!
2AHannah TAlways being an enthusiastic learner and for being open-minded to a challenge in writing groups last week.
2BAlex CFor always staying focused and showing great determination during Maths activities.
2BHaruma MFor always putting in such great care into each task and producing excellent quality work.
2CMia RFor approaching Guided Reading sessions with a positive attitude. you have made excellent progress in sounding out the words you read.
2DLachlan CFor demonstrating wonderful growth with his reading comprehension. 
2DEamon SFor having the confidence to give everything a go, even when it is challenging.




House Cup Winners






Congratulations to Goodes Guyeems, winners of the House Cup for Week 7.


Mrs Despotellis presenting the House Cup to Goodes Guyeems House Captains, Harry B (6B) and Zach H (6A).
Mrs Despotellis presenting the House Cup to Goodes Guyeems House Captains, Harry B (6B) and Zach H (6A).



Congratulations to 2B for being the class who was awarded with the House Cup for the week for respectful audience behaviour at assembly.  


Mrs Despotellis and Goodes Guyeems House Captain presenting the House Cup to Neve D and Cooper W from 2B.
Mrs Despotellis and Goodes Guyeems House Captain presenting the House Cup to Neve D and Cooper W from 2B.