Principal's Report
Rohan Cooper
Principal's Report
Rohan Cooper
Later in our newsletter, our School Council President, Danny Benjamin, has penned some words in tribute to one of the parents in our school who recently passed away, Gary Baum. On behalf of our school and broader community, I would also like to offer my condolences to his wife, Leanne and daughters, Sienna and Kiara. Our school will continue to offer supports to the family, as I know the community have done so well.
Welcome to the second-last newsletter of this term; can you believe how quickly this term has gone? It is a busy time at our school; with a huge thanks to Sally Welsh and her team of volunteers, we ran an amazingly successful disco for our students last week. Tomorrow, we have our annual major fundraiser, ‘bogan bingo’, our Father’s and Special Friend’s Day Breakfast is coming up and we are less than two weeks away from our school concert. What a time to be a part of the Caulfield South Primary School community!
Planning for 2024
Planning for the 2024 school year is well underway, including developing budgets, booklists, staffing and enrolment plans. We are reviewing our calendar of events, as well as camps, excursions and in-school activities. In recent staff professional learning sessions, we have reviewed our progress against curriculum and wellbeing goals and set targets for how we continue to improve our practice in these areas.
Prep Enrolment and New Enrolments for 2024
Enrolments for Prep 2024 are now due. If you have not submitted an enrolment, or not confirmed your offer of enrolment, please do so as soon as possible. Similarly, if you know of anyone who is intending to enrol at our school from another school, please encourage them to do so by either booking a place on our weekly school tour, (run at 9:30am on Fridays) or by reaching out directly to our school office (link here).
Students Not Returning in 2024
If your family is leaving the area and / or your child/ren are intending to leave Caulfield South Primary School at the end of this year, the school needs to be made aware of this in writing as soon as possible. Please contact our school office via email (link here), titling your email with the subject line ‘Student Exit’.
To support our school to plan staffing for 2024 accordingly, I ask that this information is shared with the school by Friday 8th September.
Historically, I understand that some families take the decision to enrol their child/ren into the independent system before the end of primary school. I understand the pressures that the independent system can place on families to do this. This is a trend that I intend to turn around; to me, there is nothing more important than finishing your Primary School journey with your teammates who you have gone through your school journey with. Our school is a great school; we provide excellent educational opportunities and a range of extracurricular activities, and as I stand by the school gates each morning and afternoon, I can feel the kind, welcoming and respectful culture. I want to see all of our students finish Year 6 with us, surrounded by great friends and great memories of their time at Caulfield South Primary School.
Thanks for your ongoing support and keep doing your best.
Rohan Cooper