Italian News
Signora Bilionis
Italian News
Signora Bilionis
Year 5 have been learning about IL SISTEMA SOLARE, the SOLAR SYSTEM and the famous Italian scientist GALILEO GALILEI.
Galileo was a mathematician and a scientist. He discovered sunspots, Neptune, Saturn and rings. He was also an astronomer. He used an improved telescope to study the stars at night. Nina G. 5B
Galileo wasn’t the first to suggest Heliocentrism, the theory that the sun was the center of the solar system. Polish astronomer Copernicus suggested it 50 years before Galileo.
Levi N. 5C
Galileo provided proof that the Earth revolves around the sole (sun) and not the other way around. Tilly O. 5B
His method of planning and executing experiments and then adjusting his beliefs based on the results is the model for advancing scientific thought. Rebecca X. 5A
The great scientist Albert Einstein called Galileo “the father of modern physics.”
Avraham M. 5C
Signora Bilionis
L.O.T.E Teacher