What we've been up to...

RBM Photo Competition
Check out some of the photos that have been submitted by our school for the Rockhampton Business Machines photo competition for Theme 3 & 4. (Plants & Sunrise)
The Capricornian Community Grant
"We are incredibly proud of our Community Grants Program, which aims to strengthen community relationships and support worthy not-for-profit organisations throughout Central Queensland. Rockhampton North Special School P&C were successful in obtaining funding to build a sensory garden for students, from Prep to Grade 12. Their vision is a space for student relaxation and learning, agricultural participation and sensory decompression. Be wheelchair friendly with wide accessible raised garden beds to allow for a truly immersive, positive experience for all children irrespective of their challenges. We were thrilled to meet with the schools' captains, P&C members and Principal; looking forward to seeing this project come to fruition." - The Capricornian
Big thank you to our P&C for organising this project!
Principal's Day
Friday 4th August was Principal's Day
Dehlia, thank you for your dedication to the students, staff and community. We appreciate your ongoing commitment to see improved results for our students.
We would also like to extend a thank you to our leadership team.
Thank you for all the hard work you each put into the daily running of our school.
Pyjama Day
Friday 11 August - we dressed in our PJs at school.
Science Week Activities
Jeans for Genes
On Friday 4 August, students from Primary 5 and 7 participated in Jeans for Genes Day. We engaged in activities to raise awareness for children with genetic conditions. We read a book about children who may talk, look, see and hear differently to us. We recognised that we are all different to one another, but we all have special gifts, and we all have a heart. Well done students.