Secondary 6

In Secondary 6 we are settling well into term 3. We have been exploring the world of Poems and looking at rhyming words and making up poems ourselves. Some of the things we are writing about are our pets, favourite things to do and what makes us unique.
For Maths, we have learned about money. We've looked at coins and dollar notes from few different countries, as well as Australian currency. Discussed about why we need money and different ways we can pay using our money.
Then we looked at map reading for "Location". We learned how to describe position and location.
This week we are looking at fractions and have made fairy bread.
For Science we are looking at the solar systems and learning about planets, moons and stars.
We have been looking at what our needs and wants are, for our Business and Economics topic as well.
Our class has also been focussing on Positive Behaviour for Learning. We talk about using our virtues of Care, Courage and Cooperation for school as well as at home with our family and friends and in the community.