
Congratulations to our students who have completed the QuickSmart Numeracy Program this term including; Taliauli Kavamounhaone and Jaxson Thomas.
“I have really enjoyed it and it has increased my confidence”
The QuickSmart Numeracy intervention program focuses on understanding and recall of basic number facts, performance of elementary calculations, acquisition of appropriate mathematics language, and problem-solving skills. The primary aim of QuickSmart is for the students to develop automaticity. QuickSmart lessons emphasise the development of conceptual understanding.
Conceptual understanding is ensured by explicitly teaching strategies that emphasise the key concepts underpinning the academic skills being taught.
QuickSmart was awarded highest ratings in the field of Education on research Engagement and Impact by the Australian Research Council (ARC) in its national assessment of research contribution to the broader community and the economy.
For further information please visit or email Michelle de Boer (
Mathematics Certificates
At Scoresby Secondary College we promote a growth mindset. Individuals who believe their talents can be developed (through hard work, good strategies, and input from others) have a growth mindset. Congratulations to the following students for outstanding learning growth and achievement in Mathematics for term 3.
Year 7 - TBA
Year 8 - Learning Growth Certificate – Patterns and Algebra
Ava Bryne, Nathan Hamilton, Melia Jones, Monica Sarem
Year 8 Excellence Certificate – Patterns and Algebra
Adam Du, Ava Bryne
Year 9 Learning Growth Certificate – Patterns and Algebra
Molly Hunt, Cooper Tudor, Erin Bourgein
Year 9 Excellence Certificates – Patterns and Algebra
Addi Jones, Erin Bourgein, Harper Allan
Year 10 Learning Growth Certificate –Linear Equations
Growth: Anna Harper, Lachlan Day, Aaron Carter
Year 10 Excellence Certificates – Linear Equations
Zach Bissett, Wesley Ferdinands, Anna Harper
AMC - Australian Mathematics Competition
On Thursday August, several of our students participated in the Australian Mathematics Competition. The competition features unique problems designed by Australia’s leading educators and academics, with the goal to demonstrate the importance and relevance of mathematics in students’ everyday lives.
It was truly inspiring to witness the enthusiastic participation of numerous students in the competition, all of whom put forth their utmost effort. A number of our students received Distinction and Credit Results, with Ethan Zhang being awarded the Best in Schools Certificate
We would like to acknowledge the following students who engaged in competition:
Junior Division
Ethan Zhang (Best in School Certificate and Distinction)
Abigail Tan (Distinction)
Sammi Willems (Distinction)
Rayd Rachman (Credit)
Jade Jones (Credit)
Jordan Tram (Credit)
James Little (Credit)
Adam Du (Credit)
Lily James
Ethan Vi
Khushdip Kaur
Ava Byrne
Monica Sarem
Aurora Hodgson
Intermediate Division
Addison Jones (Distinctio
Rebekah Howarth (Distinction)
Wesley Ferdinands (Distinction)
Zach Bissett (Credit)
Aaron Carter (Credit)
Anna Harper (Credit)
Daniel Wu (Credit)
Harper Allan (Credit)
Erin Bourgein (Credit)
Jack Harper (Credit)
Savannah Ferguson
Cooper Tutor
Alex Lara
Mahmoud Hamdan
Ms Michelle deBoer
Mathematics Leader