
Year 10 History
In November 1923, Hitler tried to take advantage of the hyperinflation crisis facing the Weimar government by instigating a revolution in Munich – known as the Munich Putsch. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to take power, but poor planning and misjudgement resulted in failure and the subsequent imprisonment of Adolf Hitler. The Munich Putsch was a failure in the short term, but it was also an important event in the Nazis’ rise to power.
Students were asked to create a newspaper article outlining the key events and the key individuals involved in this two-day event.
This is what they have produced.
Ms Su-Nhi Kim
Junior Humanities Teacher
Year 11 Legal Studies
This term in Legal Studies, the Year 11 students have been exploring civil law. In particular, students have been learning about the different alternative dispute resolution bodies that can offer a cheaper and accessible means of resolving civil disputes.
One of our activities provided the students with an opportunity to work collaboratively to design an informative pamphlet on an allocated dispute resolution body. In small groups, students explored the purpose and strengths of the following bodies: FairWork Australia, The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, and the Public Transport Ombudsman.
Students then shared their pamphlets with the class and were able to use these as a revision tool for their school-assessed task.
Mrs Emily Bartlett
Legal Studies Teacher