Junior School Report

Challenge Program
Respectful Relationships
In this final week of Term 3, students in Years 8 and 9 are participating in the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships, RRRR - Challenge program.
The Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships is a program designed for schools to develop students’ social, emotional and positive relationship skills. Efforts to promote social and emotional skills and positive gender norms in children and young people has been shown to improve health related outcomes and subjective wellbeing. It also reduces antisocial behaviours including engagement in gender-related violence.
The Challenge Program challenges students physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially. During our Respectful Relationships - Challenge Program this week, students will participate in the following activities:
- Ninja Warrior: An obstacle course which tests student’s physical strength whilst developing teamwork, coordination, discipline and focus.
- Team Building Skills: A variety of problem- solving skills which aims to improve communication between students and develop trusting relationships.
- Yoga Mind and Body: An opportunity to practise mindfulness, flexibility, strength and posture.
- Circus Skills: Learning a variety of skills which creates a sense of achievement and boosts self- esteem.
- Operation Energize: Encourages students to develop an understanding and enjoyment of exercise through group exercise.
- Cartooning: Allows students to be creative whilst testing their observation and motor skills.
- African Drumming: An opportunity for students to immerse themselves in a different culture, whilst learning the importance of teamwork in order to achieve a shared goal.
CU Swinburne – Children’s University
Time is running out and accruing hours for the CU Swinburne graduation 2023 ends on the 16th of October. From that date, students who have accrued a minimum of 30 hours participation and learning, will be invited to graduate, along with their family/carers.
Please see attached flyer for the September Holiday Program and Activities.
Term 4 Uniform Requirements
The days are growing longer and the sun is shining brighter, a reminder that in Term 4 the summer uniform is to be worn by all students, therefore, it is expected that all students will be in full summer uniform on their return to school.
Please refer to the College planner for an outline of the summer uniform requirements or contact your relevant coordinator. As we progress into summer, we also encourage students to maintain a sun smart approach to ensure they wear their College hat when out in the yard. Additionally, staying hydrated is important and we ask that students have a water bottle.
It has been a fairly long term and I would like to acknowledge the efforts of our Junior School students. On perusing their reports, many students have developed and have shown growth in their learning. Moving into Term 4, all students should review their learning and personal goals, to meet and exceed their expectations. Once again, the tireless efforts of Mr Triegaardt and Ms Kim have supported our students to be their very best – thank you.
Scoresby Secondary College prides itself on providing continued support to all students to assist in their learning and personal growth. We encourage positive and constructive partnerships with parents and guardians, to ensure our students are inspired to be their very best. All students are expected to attend school and classes daily and any absences are to be report to the school. Parents and guardians are encouraged to contact either their students’ homegroup teacher or coordinator with any concerns or questions.
Wishing you all a restful, safe and warm term break from the whole Junior School Team.
Mrs Kiriaki Caracasidis
Head of Junior School