Principal's Report

Welcome to the latest edition of our newsletter! As we approach the conclusion of Term 3, we are thrilled to report that our student community has once again demonstrated exceptional behaviours, positive attitudes, and a strong commitment to personal growth and learning. Throughout this issue, you'll find numerous examples of our students' impressive achievements both within and beyond the college. We're excited to share their noteworthy accomplishments with you, and we hope that you'll join us in celebrating their success!
Release of State NAPLAN Average
With the release of the NAPLAN state average two weeks ago, we would like to celebrate the wonderful achievements of our Year 9 students. We have topped the state results once again in so many areas!
Reading 21% higher than the state average
Numeracy 14% higher than the state average
Grammar and Punctuation 15% higher than the state average
Thank you to our students and staff for your continued growth and raising the bar!
Activities and Events
This term has seen students from across our college participate in an extraordinary number of curricular and extra-curricular activities, through which they have demonstrated outstanding levels of engagement, creativity and resilience. Below is a list of just some of the learning initiatives undertaken, all of which would not have been possible without the generous support of parents, families and school staff:
- VIC SRC Teach the Teacher Program
- Whole College Athletics Day
- KIOSC Excursions
- ABCN Mentoring and leadership programs
- Careers excursions and counselling
- International student groups
- Course Interviews
- 2024 subject allocations for students
- Tournament of the Minds
- Year 8 Symposium
- Motivational Speakers for Junior and Senior students
- Knox School Youth Focussed funded STEAM Wellbeing Program
- Lunchtime activities
- PLC presentations to schools, principal forums and provision of support to other schools
- Athletics Day, interschool sport, district and zone sports competitions
- Arts experiences with visits to galleries and theatre
- Music performances
- Biology and Chemistry industry and laboratory excursions
- Brainstorm Productions Presentation
- No Bullying Days
- Student Leadership activities and fundraising
- Edutec Conference
- Curriculum Day
- Vocational Major Phillip Island event
- Student Learning Conferences
- Respectful Relationships and Challenge Program
- Homework Club and Senior Study Hub
- Primary School transition processing and Day of Learning for Grade 5 students
A Day of Learning at Scoresby Secondary College
We have held four Grade 5 students Days of Learning’. It was wonderful to see primary students on site and engaged in lessons with the support of our own student mentors. Thanks to Mrs Emily Bartlett, Mr Mark Corrie, teachers Ms Betty Liang, Mr Patrick Dempsey, Mrs Kiri Caracasidis, Mr Rodney Triegaardt and our education support staff Mrs. Karen Corrie, Carol Perryman and Mrs Michelle Rogers.
“The students from Wantirna South Primary School loved their day or learning at Scoresby Secondary College. They were all buzzing about the great day of activities. The next day they wanted to send thank you messages which we provided them the time to do. Our teachers were raving about how well organised the day was, how engaged the students were and how proud the students were of the work they completed during the day.”
Kerri Emonson Principal
Wantirna South Primary School
2024 Staffing
Our 2024 staffing commenced early in Term 3 with the aim of securing the staff we require for our increased enrolments. Whilst we have been able to fill majority of positions, we have had to readvertise two positions as a result of no appointments. The staff shortages reported by many media outlets is growing with schools across Australia facing unfilled positions as more teachers, leaders and support staff continue to retire, or leave to travel or take up careers in other professions.
I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank all students, parents, families and staff members who have supported the on-going work of our leadership and teaching teams this term. Our college community continually show great energy for learning and care for each other, with college pride regularly celebrated in a range of authentic contexts. In particular I would like to would like to acknowledge the work of Assistant Principals Mr Ayman Youssef and Mr Mark Corrie, and other members of our strategic leadership team for leading the college during the time I was forced to take leave. The support of the leadership team provided me the reassurance during my time in hospital to be able to rest and leave the operation of the college in their capable hands.
Throughout term four, staff will continue to be involved in whole college school improvement journey which focusses on student engagement, wellbeing and learning whilst undertaking planning and preparation for 2024. I encourage all parents and families to continue to work with us as key partners in the education of our students. As they say, it takes a village to raise a child, and together we can continue to achieve great things at this great college!
I hope that the break provides everyone an opportunity to recharge, reset and return reinvigorated.
Mrs Gail Major