
Careers and Pathways News
VTAC applications close on the
Thursday 28 September 2023.
All Year 12 students wishing to apply for University or TAFE places need to have created a VTAC account, selected their preferences and paid their $55 by the 28 September to avoid late penalties.
SEAS and Scholarships close on Friday 6 October, whereas most course preferences can be added, subtracted or moved around the preference listing prior to the release of the December offer. Note: Direct entry into Medicine at Monash and all Fine Arts and Creative Arts courses at Melbourne cannot be added beyond September due to allocation of interviews, folios etc.
Careers and Pathways have been very busy seeing Year 12 students, walking them through step by step the application process. If you have not made an appointment with Tanya please do so, as deadlines are fast approaching.
Gap Year
Students intending to take a Gap year in 2024 are encouraged to submit a VTAC application and defer from their offered course for 12 months following the institutions deferment policy.
Note: there are some courses such as Medicine which cannot be deferred due to the competitive nature of the course and limited places. Diplomas in most cases due to demand also cannot be deferred. Current Year 12 students have more course places than non-Year 12 applicants plus they will get the support from the career and pathways team to help maximise course offering if they apply then defer.
2024 VCE – Vocational Major Students
Congratulations to the VCE Vocational Major students who have recently been accepted into the program. I heard there were some wonderful interviews with students having a very clear pathway plan and career objectives which is wonderful.
This is a good time to start to think about where you would like to do your work placement. Having placement to attend at the beginning of the year is a very important part of the VCE - Vocational Major. More correspondence and communication around this topic will start to filter through in Term 4.
Mrs Tanya Molloy
Career and Pathways Coordinator