
District Athletics
On Tuesday September 5, 20 students represented the college at the Knox Division Athletics Carnival held at Proclamation Park in Ringwood. The weather was not kind to us throughout that day with students having to battle head winds, rain and hail at times as them competed. Our students represented the College with pride as they completed in a range of track and field events, with many students placing in one or more of the events in which they competed; a comprehensive list can be seen below.
A special mention of Addison Jones of year 9, beating her 100m sprint personal best by 0.5 of a sec and to Zach Bissett also achieving a personal best in long jump. Thank to Ms Michelle Deboer for her assistance on the day as well as David Grace, Kaiden Woolley and Noah Paroissien for their assistance in running the discus competition on the day.
Lori Franklin – Under 18-20, Boys javelin 2nd, 18 - 20 shot put 2nd, 18 - 20 discuss 3rd.
Hayley Mason – Under 18-20, Girls shot put 3rd
Kaiden Woolley – Under 17, Boys 4x100m Relay 3rd
Jacob Compton – Under 17 Boys, long jump 1st, triple jump 1st, discus 1st, shotput 2nd, 4x100m Relay 3rd
David Grace - Under 17 Boys, 4x100m Relay 3rd
Zach Bissett - Under 17 Boys, 800m 2nd, Long Jump 3rd, Javelin 3rd, and 4x100m Relay 3rd
Noah Paroissien – Under 16, Boys 16 100m sprint
Emma Foden – Under 15, Girls discuss 1st, shotput 3rd, javelin 2nd
Sam Dunbar – Under 16 Boys Shot put 1st
Baxter Johnson – Under 15, Boys 15 100m 3rd javelin 3rd and long jump 3rd
Addison Jones – Under 14 Girls, 100m 1st, 200m 1st, 400m 2nd
Bella Foden - Under 14, Girls discuss 1st
Lucas McNeill - Under 14, Boys discuss 1st, shotput 3rd
Leroy Murphy - Under 14, Boys 100m sprint 8th, 200m 5th , shotput 5th, discuss 5th
Joseph Woodward Smith - Under 14, Boys 800m 2nd, Long Jump
Ethan Vi – Under 13, Boys 100m sprint 6th, 200m dash 3rd, 400m 4th
Jade Jones - Under 13 Girls, triple jump 2nd, Discus.
Harper Bennett - Under 13, Girls, discus
Lily James - Under 13, Girls triple jump
Students who placed first for all events, first and second in 800m, 1500m and first, second and third for 3000m will be moving on to the Eastern Metropolitan Region held on Monday 9 October at Knox Athletics Track, Bunjil Way, Knoxfield. Please keep an eye on Compass with further details to follow.
Overall, we placed 6th as a school for the day. Congratulations to all out athletes on your efforts.
Mrs Emma Morris
Sports Coordinator
What an exciting day!
Thursday 31 August saw our Year 7 boys Basketball team participate in the interschool sport day at Dandenong Stadium. They won two of out of three games and qualified for the finals. They then won the semi-final in their division and went on to play Fairhills, unfortunately they lost.
It was great to see the camaraderie displayed by these students as well as their determination to do their absolute best. They were exemplary ambassadors for our school. Thanks to David Grace for his excellent coaching on the day.
Congratulations to the team who attended training sessions Thursday lunchtimes prior to the day ably coached by Year 11 students, Anthony Calkin and David Grace.
Mr Sylvia Wood