St James Executive Leadership 

Principal and Deputy Principal News 

Principal News


Dear Parents and Carers,


I’m not sure where the year is disappearing to with today being the last day of August.  Tomorrow we have our Father’s Day Breakfast in the Tilley Garden.  It is set to be a great morning for all.  Thank you to Kath and Kate for all their hard work, planning and preparation.

Tomorrow night, weather permitting we also have our family Space Night.  This was scheduled for Space Week, but unfortunately the weather was not on our side.  

A Prayer for Fathers 

Loving God, look with love and kindness upon all fathers. 

May their example be like a beacon that guides to safe water as their children grow and are nourished in their care. 

May their love and strength be a blessing upon each member of their family as they share special moments together. 

May their openness to your love and understanding continue to nurture their faith and provide a rich example to their children. 

May they be blessed today with health, happiness and love as they walk life’s journey with their families. 

We ask this through Jesus your Son. Amen


Book Week

What an AMAZING BOOK WEEK 2023.  Thank you to Mandi, Ange and to all of you for making it such a special week for St James School and Community.  It was great to see the St James Community in strong numbers come to support and cheer on the students participating in the Book Week Parade.


MACSSIS: School Improvement Surveys

Last week all families received an information letter about MACSSIS.  On Monday 28th August all families were sent login details to the MACSSIS survey portal which went live on the same day.  The survey portal will open until the 15th September.


Our community’s opinions are critical to understanding how our school is performing – MACSSIS is a key data source for guiding the ongoing work to improve our school. We thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this survey.


Staffing Update:


Ms Lisa Featherstone                                                                                                                           

Yesterday we thanked and  said goodbye to Ms Lisa Featherstone as she commenced her Maternity leave.  We wish Lisa and her partner Gary all the best as they await the birth of their second child.  


Lachie Doquile                                                                                                                                     

For over 4 years now, Lachie Doquile has worked with many of your children as a Learning Support Officer.  He has attended school camps, sporting events, graduations, school productions and generally been involved in all aspects of school life.  Lachie is also studying to be a teacher.  Sadly Lachie has decided to take some time away from St James to focus on his study.  We thank Lachie for all his work and dedication in supporting the students and wish him all the best.  


Water damage repairs                                                                                                                    As many of you will have noticed, 95% of our new carpet has now been installed.  The plumbers commenced working on roof repairs this week, hence the scaffolding and cordoned off work areas.  We look forward to having our school back to normal in the coming weeks :)


After School Dance Classes at St James                                                                                          

Leisa Giannopoulos, also known as Miss Leisa, our School Production Director will soon be offering after school dance classes onsite in our school hall, on a Tuesday and Thursday.  We are so excited to be offering this additional activity onsite for the students to access.  Please refer to the School Community section of the School Newsletter for further details on how to join these classes.


 School closure dates and final day for Term 3

As previously advised, the next Planning day is Friday 8th September and the designated TIL day this term is Friday 15th September, the school will be closed on both days.   The final day for Term 3 is Thursday 14th September with the school day finishing at 3:30pm.


St James School Vision and School Priorities (Post Review)

Last year the school participated in our school review.  Following the review we received a report including recommendations for forward planning.  We have met as a Leadership team and in consultation with staff and MACS consultants have set our new school priorities for continuous improvement for the next four years.  (Please see the attached information).



Working With Children Checks

St James is a Child Safe School.  As part of our Child Safe practices and processes we are required to maintain up to date information of parents and volunteers who hold a current (Working With Children Check) and would like to assist with a school activity.


If you currently hold a WWCC and intend on helping out with school activities in the near or not too distant future, can you please fill in the attached Google Form.


Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact School Admin on 


Please update your information on the following WWCC Google Form  if you have renewed or attained your WWCC.


Social Media - Please follow, like and share our school Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Feeds. 



School Website:

Twitter:  St James Catholic Primary School, 3186

Instagram:  stjamesbrighton3186

Facebook: @stjamesbrighton3186


Please stay safe and healthy.


Carmelina Corio 



Deputy Principal News


Hello Everyone,


Please find listed below key dates for the remainder of Term 3:

Term 3 Key Dates:

  • Friday 1st September- Fathers Day Breakfast in the Tilley Garden 7:45am to 8:50am
  • Friday 1st September- Holt Athletics Carnival (invited students only)
  • Thursday 7th September - Stay and Play Session  9:15-10am in the library
  • Thursday 7th September Assembly #5 @ 2:45pm in the hall
  • Friday 8th September School Closure day Term 4 Planning
  • *New Event* Tuesday 12th September 5pm- Music Soiree for individual music students and lead roles in Seussical 
  • Wednesday 13th September RUOK? Day and St James Got Talent
  • Thursday 14th September Footy Colours Day and last day of Term 3 - regular school finish at 3:30pm
  • Friday 15th September school closure day.  Time in lieu.

Emma Herbert and Georgia McNamara

Deputy Principals