Assistant Principal's


- Toby Russo

Indian Principal Visit Next Week - Special Assembly

As we prepare to welcome our partner Indian Principal, Asha Prahbakar, next Tuesday and Wednesday, we would like to invite you to a special assembly we will be holding.


On Wednesday 15 May 2024 at 10am, we are excited to welcome Wurundjeri Elder Perry Wandin to FNPS to perform a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony.


We will also have performances by our 1/2 and 3/4 choirs, along with marimba performances from our Year 6 students.


The Assembly will be held on the Block, so please head to this area just before 10am to share this special experience with our staff and students.

The Library is Back!

We are thrilled to announce that next week our library is officially reopening! 


Michael, our librarian, has been working tirelessly over recent weeks to set up the shelves and borrowing system, and make sure the library is again a wonderful place for our students to explore books. Thank you Michael for all your hard work!


The teachers have booked in a regular time to take their class to the library, beginning next week. Michael will also be on hand on Mondays and Tuesdays during the Prep and Grade 1/2 sessions, to help guide the students as they explore the shelves.


In addition, we will be opening the library on Tuesday at lunchtimes (from 1.50pm-2.30pm) for those students who might like a quiet place to relax and read during their break time.


Here’s a few photos of our Grade 6s checking out the new library facilities!

Our First Stories in Prep

This week our Preps have written their very own stories; the first of many to come! The students' stories were based on their shared experience of going on a walk together in the local community the other week.


The students created a setting and character board, as well as developed a three-stage plan for their story.


I had the chance to speak to students in Bronte’s class about some of the amazing work they have been doing.


Thea (PBM): I wrote a story of when I went on a walk with all the Preps. I drew a picture of a person; it was a made-up person. I like to do writing. It’s my favourite thing to do.


Diego (PBM): I drew a post office with a postie. Bronte told me to draw a picture and write a story. She said to colour all of the person. I like writing because I get to do a drawing.


Check out Thea and Diego’s writing below - including their character sketch and narrative plans. Outstanding work!




I went to the park then when the wind came I felt scared and the sun came up I felt really happy (Thea)

The postie said “one second”

The postie couldn’t find a camera

The postie did a picture (Diego)

Updated Homework Policy

The Homework Policy has been recently updated following consultation with the Policy and Curriculum Subcommittee. You can find this document on our website at:


The update to this policy is part of our regular review cycle and will not change the implementation of homework at our school. The policy outlines our current approach to homework at Fitzroy North Primary School, and explains its purpose:


Throughout the early years and middle years at Fitzroy North Primary School any homework tasks are focused on consolidating core literacy and numeracy skills learnt at school, including reading. In the upper-primary years, there are increased opportunities to consolidate learning and to support the development of study habits in preparation for high school.


The policy details the types of activities students may undertake for homework, including regular reading practice and opportunities to consolidate maths skills.


If you have any further questions about our homework policy, don’t hesitate to speak with your child’s classroom teacher, or chat with myself or Tania when you see us in the yard before or after school.


When it comes to maths ‘homework’, as I’ve mentioned in previous newsletter articles, I’m a strong advocate for providing children with opportunities to informally practise maths through play, games, exploration and adult-support activities such as shopping and cooking. Check out my article from Term 1 for some ideas:


Have a great weekend.

