Swim Squad

Eltham High Swim Squad is a fun way to keep fit and learn some new skills with a group of encouraging and motivated people of all ages. It is suitable for all swimming abilities to enhance their skills in a supportive and enjoyable environment. 


Our coaches design a range of fun and unique drills to assist every participant in improving their swimming technique to the best of their ability, while having a great time in the process. It always leaves you feeling refreshed and energised for the day ahead. 


We swim on Thursday mornings from 7:00 - 8:00am at Eltham Leisure Centre followed by a hot chocolate and a chat in the staff room before school. Come down and give it go!

Mabel Duder (Year 11, Toner House)



Our dedicated group of students (from Years 7 - 12) consistently attend weekly early-morning 1 hour training sessions. Together, they improve fitness, develop skills and build camaraderie. 


During our first week, to celebrate another successful term, we played a challenging game of water polo. Our program continues to thrive after more than 20 years. 


New members are always welcome! 


Contact Phil Boyd and Michael Nicassio for further information.