Principal's Report

Student Achievement: House Assemblies
Congratulations to all House leaders for their organisation and leadership of the House Assemblies that took place on Monday 22 April.
The four Houses of Everard, Pakana, Skipper and Toner welcomed all their students into the fold and the assemblies provided an opportunity to both exhibit the talents of its members as well as celebrate the achievements to date of a number of students.
The student performances were exceptional and well received by both students and staff. Student presentations were well prepared and delivered in a manner that engaged the audience.
I take this opportunity to thank all House Leaders for their amazing work with the first new Houses Assemblies and I also acknowledge the work of Lauren McNally who worked hard in support of our students.
ANZAC DAY Commemorative Ceremony
The 2024 ANZAC Day Commemorative Ceremony was held on Wednesday 24 April. The weather was not on our side for this event, so the ceremony was held in the Stadium rather than the usual outside courtyard area. However, the arrangement seemed to better serve our needs allowing all students to be seated as well as providing a better line of sight for everyone of the proceedings. It worked so well that we are now considering continuing with the arrangement of running the Ceremony indoors in subsequent years.
Our student leaders did an amazing job of running the event. The Choir once again beautifully led the singing of the National Anthem and students engaged with the proceedings in a very respectful way, understanding the need for silence and attention during this solemn ceremony.
Whilst each year we are joined by our Local Member of State Parliament, Vicki Ward, this year Vicki was not able to attend due to having other State commitments elsewhere. However, she was represented by the offering of a wreath which was placed at the base on the Lone Pine tree in the front quadrangle of the school.
As part of my address, I was privileged to read out, with permission from the author, Nova-Rae Lappin-Torrellas’ winning poem from the Montmorency-Eltham RSL Spirit of ANZAC Award. “They Will Live On” is a beautifully written and extremely moving poem which I know touched the hearts of many.
I take this opportunity to congratulate our two School Leaders, Maisie Walsh (Year 12, Skipper House) and Tom Westerman (Year 12, Toner House) for representing the school at the Montmorency-Eltham RSL Dawn Service. Furthermore, I congratulate and thank House Leaders Kris Van Der Kamp (Year 11, Pakana House) and Charlie Clarke (Year 11, Skipper House) for representing the school at the Montmorency-Eltham RSL Family Service during which Charlie read the Naval Ode.
In moving forward, we at Eltham High School know the importance of valuing our past and understanding the sacrifices of previous generations with the hope that our young people will learn from the mistakes made by generations that preceded them in order to move our community and our country forward with great optimism and care.
Prospective Year 7 Students and Parents 2025 Enrolment Process Update
Thank you to all students and parents that participated in our Information Evening/Open Night on Thursday 18 April. There was an amazingly positive vibe around the school as we welcomed prospective students and families to Eltham High School. The feedback received was both positive and reassuring.
During the Information Session, the enrolment process we are required to follow was outlined. However, there has been a favourable change to this, giving us more opportunity to offer places to families who are outside of the school zone. Families that are out of zone and don’t currently have children in the school, who feel that Eltham High School is the right place for their children must ensure that they follow the process outlined by their primary school. However, it is important to note where in your order of preference you place Eltham High School. If we are your No. 1 school, on the availability of places after offering places to students in the zone or who have siblings in the school in 2025, you will be considered for a place. Anyone wishing to apply on compassionate grounds, must complete the process as outlined by the primary school but can send details of the compassionate grounds directly to Eltham High School. We will then marry this information with the application form at the time of making decisions about offers.
In summary, irrespective of whether you are in zone or out of zone, it is imperative that you follow the process.
I ask that any current families who know of families interested in the school that you alert them to this information or direct them to the Newsletter which is hosted on our Website
Eltham High School Working Bee
I extend a personal invitation to all members of our community to attend the coming Working Bee planned for Sunday 5 April. Our Grounds Committee has done quite a bit of work identifying the areas of work for the day and I look forward to welcoming parents, students, grandparents, and friends of the school to this event. I will be there and look forward to seeing as many people there as is possible.
Further information can be found in the “Working Bee” section of this newsletter.
STEAM Centre Development Update
Work is progressing well and post the next couple of weeks I hope to be able to share the design of our STEAM Centre with you.
The architects are at the final stage of the design, and we are staring to discuss colour schemes (both internal and external), fixtures, electrical needs and equipment. These discussions will proceed for a little while yet and I hope that we will be ready to go out to tender by the start of Term 3 if not by the end of this term.
I will continue to update this section of my report as the project moves ahead.