Sport News

House Athletics Carnival

After a long hiatus, Hotham have been crowned overall winners for the 2024 House Athletics Championship. The smoke from planned burns was minimal, the sun shining and temperature just perfect for all participants to get involved and earn points for their houses. Rosemary has captured the day beautifully - enjoy these stunning pictures.

Proud Hotham Captains - Baylin and Steph
Proud Hotham Captains - Baylin and Steph

Age Group Champions - Athletics

U13 Champions - Bianca and Rowan
U13 Champions - Bianca and Rowan
U14 Champions - Emily and Eddy
U14 Champions - Emily and Eddy
U15 Champions - Melody and James
U15 Champions - Melody and James
U16 Champions - Alec and Carmela
U16 Champions - Alec and Carmela
U17 Champions - Shaye and Lachlan (absent)
U17 Champions - Shaye and Lachlan (absent)
U20 Champions - Emma and Cambell
U20 Champions - Emma and Cambell

House Cross Country Run Championship

The glorious Autumn weather prevailed yet again on the final day of Term 1. Possibly a little too warm for a 3km running race. It didn't seem to impact many who sped around the course, while others preferred a pace where they could chat with a friend or two. Some saving the race until the last 100m with a sprint to the finish line. Well done to everyone who participated, and congratulations to Bogong House for the overall win.

Age Group Winners - X Country

U20 X Country Winners - Zoe and Harri
U16 X Country Winners - Alec and Carmela
U15 X Country Winners - Jai and Teagan (at SSL)
U20 X Country Winners - Zoe and Harri
U16 X Country Winners - Alec and Carmela
U15 X Country Winners - Jai and Teagan (at SSL)
U14 X Country Winners - Emily and Eddy
U13 X Country Winners - Hamish and Nina
U14 X Country Winners - Emily and Eddy
U13 X Country Winners - Hamish and Nina


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