In the Spotlight

Anzac Day
Tenterfield High School was represented by many students & staff who proudly marched or attended the Dawn service on Anzac Day. Many community members commented on how many students represented the school and their exceptionally mature and respectful behaviour. The 1st day back of Term 2 students attended a short Anzac Day assembly where Mr Woodrow spoke of the significance of Anzac Day and a minute silence was observed, the Ode read & the last post played.
Student Representative Council
Congratulations to our 2024 Student Representative Council. The SRC was inducted at our Formal Assembly on 9 April & presented with their badge. Thank you to all the families who attended to help mark this special occasion.
Back Row L-R Kody Halliday, Bridie Makejev, Frankie Vasta, Brooke Everett.
Ashah Hillier, Paige Parker, Emily Mason, Phoebee Lyons, Toby Rolph, Jack Chapman.
Tash O'Brien, Ellie Thomas, Finlay Paynter, Alexander Edmonds, Amaru Eames, Jahmal Gillon-Blair.
Georgiana Risson, Lara Condrick, Ava Mitchell, Pippa Koch, Jimmy McLean, Phillippa Lyons, Bailee Stuart, Emily Spiller.
Absent from photo Adele Butler & Kirah Johnston.
Formal Assembly
Congratulations to Jimmy McLean & Tilly Spittles who were presented with the Principal's Award at our Formal Assembly. Jimmy (Yr7) received 6 subject awards & Tilly (Yr9) received 4 subject awards. Both students have also received bronze awards in the positive merit scheme & no negatives in Term 1. Well done to you both!
Congratulations to all our award recipients. Students were presented with their certificate at our Formal Assembly on 9 April. Well done everyone.
Year 12 Fundraiser
Year 12 are conducting a number of fundraising initiatives to raise money for their Year 12 Formal later in the year. A fun idea was the Easter Hat/Free Dress Day & Egg guessing competition. Year 7 student Lauren was voted the winner with her very creative hat entry & the winner of the egg guessing competition was Lara Flanagan. Combined money raised was $240, well done & thank you for everyone who participated.
Lions Club Easter Egg Hunt
Well done to the Year 12 girls, Easter Bunny & Ms Olive for your support of the Lions Club Easter Egg Hunt in Jubilee Park, Easter Sunday.
Well Done Paige!!
Year 11 student Paige Parker was selected to represent zone 13 Pony Club region at Sydney Royal Show in a team of four riders from Tenterfield, Walcha, Inverell and Glen Innes Pony Clubs. The team of four won the under 13-17 years class. Paige paired to place 3rd in the 15-17 years pairs class. She represented in the individual 15-17 years rider class and placed first, going on to then ride off for overall reserve under 17 rider.
Fantastic result, congratulations.
UNE Open Day
On Friday 3 May Senior students were invited to attend the University of New England (UNE) open day in Armidale. A great opportunity for students to experience what UNE has to offer & view the facilities.
Thank you to Mrs Clothier for the opportunity.
Boccia Competition
Ms Olive has taken her MC students to a Boccia competition in Inverell on Friday 11 May. Pronounced "botch-ya," it is a modified version of the game Bocce, which was founded in the Roman Empire during Ancient times. It also happens to be Brooke's 18 Birthday! Happy Birthday Brooke from all your peers & staff at THS.