Northern Schools Prime Lamb Competition

Northern Schools Lamb Competition
On the 11 April senior Agriculture students attended the Northern Schools Prime Lamb Competition in Inverell. As well as the lambs competing in the hoof and hook competition, students participated in workshops covering junior judging, carcass assessment and meat quality.
Several students placed in the Junior Judging Competition, speaking confidently in front of over 100 participating students.
Tenterfield High School were very successful in both the hook and hoof competition, taking out multiple places on the hoof with single held lambs and pens of three in light, medium and heavy classes. We then took out Champion medium weight, Champion and Reserve heavy weight and Grand Champion pen overall.
In the hook competition, carcasses were judged with several pens of lambs gaining places, and a Reserve Champion medium weight pen. The competition culminated in Tenterfield High School taking out Supreme Champion Hoof and Hook.
These results reflect the dedication of the Agriculture staff and students with a huge thankyou to Mr Jones, Hughie McCowen and Mrs Parker.