Whole School News

Walk/Ride 2 School Day

Next Friday, 3 May, we will be celebrating ‘Ride 2 School Day’! If you are wondering why we didn’t celebrate it on the statewide day, that’s because we were focused on our Harmony Day activities instead. We encourage all students and families to ride, scoot, skate or walk to school to help celebrate the benefits of active transport. According to the current forecast, it is unlikely to rain.

At 8:30am next Friday (3rd of May), there will be two obstacle courses on the school oval, one for F-3 and one for 4-6, which students can complete.


If you live far from school, we encourage you to park your car a block or two away so you can walk. It will be great, for those intending to ride to school, to have a chat with your kids about road safety and how to ride, skate, scoot or walk to school safely.


See you there!

Foundation & Year 1 - Classroom Helpers

From Term 2, parents and carers will be welcomed into Foundation and Year 1 classrooms to offer assistance during the morning Literacy Block.


There will be two information sessions offered to parents and carers, and all helpers MUST attend one of these sessions. 


To clarify, even if you have previously attended a classroom helper information session, you are still required to attend one of these sessions to be sure you are up to date with current teaching of reading and writing.


What will I be doing in the classroom?


Different classrooms will have different needs on different days.  Example activities that support the class include: reading with students 1:1, playing letter and word games with a student or a small group of students, setting up iPads or other resources for students or showing students how to organise the classroom library.


Sign me up!


If you would like to be a classroom helper, you must:


1  -  Sign up for one of the two induction sessions being offered (again, even if you’ve attended in the past). These sessions are being held on the dates below and you sign up via this link -  CompassTix.

  • Tuesday 23 April, at 9.10 - 9.55am, or 
  • Thursday 2 May, at 3.20 - 4.00pm

2  -  Ensure that you have a current working with children check and that this has been presented at the office. You can apply for WWCC's at https://service.vic.gov.au/services/working-with-children


3  -   Thoroughly read the Victorian Government’s eleven Child Safe Standards, and NLPS Child Safety Policy, available at Policies – Newport Lakes PS


4  -  Read the Volunteer OH&S Induction Handbook and return the signed Volunteer OH&S Induction Checklist to the office.


To reiterate:

  • these are theonly two classroom helper information sessions being run this year, and 
  • every helper will need to attend one of these two sessions (even if you have already attended in the past) to ensure that you are up to date and ready to support our students.

We very much look forward to welcoming you into the classrooms.

Library News

Parent Assistance Required


Once or twice a term we would greatly appreciate help in covering books. 


Boxes of books with contact supplied can be made up and covering can be done at home at your discretion.  If you can help out with this we would love to hear from you. If you are able to help please email Sharon or drop in and see her in the library before or after school on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. 


Also please keep an eye out next term for details of parent assistance requested for the book fair in term 3.


Book Club


Thank you to the families that support the school by purchasing from book club. We hope you enjoy your books!


Issue 3 - Orders for Issue 3 close on Friday 4th May 2024.

Coffee Morning Catch-Up

Parents and Carers are warmly invited to our twice a term ‘Coffee Catch Up.’


Please RSVP by Monday 29th April via email - newport.lakes.ps@education.vic.gov.au


As a school we are always looking for ways to increase our community connections, so that we can provide additional support networks for our families, whilst also promoting positive home / school partnerships.This is a great opportunity to meet and mix with other parents once you drop your child/ren off in the morning. 

  • When: Wednesday 1st May 2024
  • Time: 9:00-9:30am
  • Where: In the staffroom

Model Solar Boats

Solar boats kicked off this past Sunday 21st April, with 16 grade 5/6 children making the weekend morning trek to the school.   We learned about what the competition is, looked at photos and videos from 2022, and had a really great group discussion to kick off thinking what makes boats like this fast.   Our 8 teams then started assembling a standard introductory boat to learn by doing.  


We made great progress in the 2 hour session, and now plan to do a bit of on-water testing at the next session: 9am Sunday 12th May (Mother’s Day!  We suggest considering a brunch with Mum after the solar boats session)


Any parents or carers with questions about the program can reach out to Martin Foster (martin@netlog.net) or David Child; or use this form which also has information on the program and dates that it runs.  https://bit.ly/nlps-solar-boats 

Melbourne Road Crossing

A parent has raised concerns about the safety of the Melbourne Road crossing.


If you too have concerns, you are encouraged to contact VicRoads or Hobsons Bay City Council directly. There is also a local meeting which is being held on 


Tuesday, July 16 · 5:30 - 8:30pm

