Principal Post

Dear Families,
I feel that it was only the other day that we were launching into our school year but here we are at the beginning of May! I hope that everyone enjoyed their long weekend. Thank you for your support!
Our congratulations to the Parish on their 60th Anniversary. Last Sunday, parishioners gathered to celebrate this occasion with a Mass celebrated by Archbishop Comensoli and many Oblate priests. Our school Captains represented our school in the Prayers of the faithful. Students also ministered as altar servers. A Morning Tea followed. This Friday the Parish will continue their celebrations with a Parish Dinner Dance. Congratulations to the SJV Parish!
Best wishes...
Blessings to the many families within our community who are celebrating Greek Easter next Sunday. Enjoy this most holy and special time within your extended family and community!
ANZAC DAY Ceremony
Well done to our SRC and Mini Vinnies team who lead our most reflective ANZAC ceremony last week! Thank you to those from our parent community who were able to attend. To all families who supported 'Legacy' with their donations, it is truly appreciated.
Grade 5-6 Camp Meeting
Parents of Year 5-6 students attending the Camp at Phillip Island Adventure Resort are asked to attend a Camp Information meeting tomorrow Thursday May 2nd at 2.30pm in the Performing Arts Area.
Fete Meeting
This year the SJV Fete will be held on Saturday October 19th. We would like the school to be involved. It is a Community and Fundraising event. To this end we are asking parents to be a part of the Fete Committee. The Fete Committee comprises some Parish members and some School Parents.
The Committee meetings are usually held on a Tuesday at 7pm at SJV and they will be spaced across the next few months. If you can not attend all Committee meetings that would be fine.
Our involvement will depend on our school having members sit on the Fete Committee.
The next meeting is next Tuesday May 7th in the Felix Gavin room. This is off the Church Foyer.
At this meeting we will discuss your ideas for what you would like to see at the Fete. We will form a committee.
If there is a Licenced ELECTRICIAN within our community can you please contact us to discuss supporting us with Fete preparation.
The School Contact is our Deputy Principal Jenny Willmott. Ph 85434444
2025 Sibling Enrolments Interviews
Enrolment Interviews for siblings starting school in 2025, began today. If you have a child starting school next year (2025) enrolment interviews will be held tomorrow and Friday. Please ensure you have booked a time. Your child should attend with at least one parent. The Leadership Team will be conducting these 20 minute interviews.
District Cross Country
Congratulations to the Year 3-6 students who have made the SJV Cross Country team and will represent themselves and our school at the District Cross Country Event NEXT Monday 6th May.
Venue: Nortons Park Wantirna
Time: From 12:30 - 2:30pm
Parents of the selected team have been sent futher information.
A reminder to be very careful when dropping and picking up your students.
Parish Carpark:
At drop off, please get out of your car and bring your child (supervised) into the school grounds. At the end of the day pick them up from the gate and take them supervised to your car. It is unsafe to allow children to walk/ run into the school grounds/ carpark unsupervised.
St Johns Way:
'Kiss and Drop' - please do not get out of the car and hold other cars up.
Both Carparks and in surrounding streets:
Please be extremely careful when parking, backing in to parking bays, reversing, moving from bays. Always be patient and alert for students, toddlers and community members.
Please obey all signs, speed restrictions and be respectful to neighbours and community members.
Resilience Project Awards
This week Maisie won a Resilience Project Award for displaying kindness to her fellow classmates. She consistently shows empathy to those in need.
From the Office...
It is vitalthat we have the most up to date information.
If your phone number, email address, home address & emergency contacts etc have changed, you must email
Open Day Tours
Our final Open Day Tour is Thursday 9th May at 9.15am & 10.15am.
If this date does not suit, prospective families may ring to make a mutually convenient time.
THANK YOU to the many parents who have spoken so highly about our school to their friends and family. Your support is invaluable.
School Advisory Council
Our SAC met last evening.
The SAC comprises of the following parent representatives.
Mary Smith (Chair), Renna Ewing, Han Le, John Osborne, Ben Hon & Leigh Baldry.
The SAC meets with myself, Jenny Willmott and Fr David several times a year and should you have any items to wish to bring to our attention, please see one of the members above or email us at
At last evening's meeting -Several items were discussed:
House Athletic Sports
Following an earlier survey, we have listened to your feedback.
This year the House Sports will take place on Friday 15th November and will be held at Ross Reserve Noble Park (all weather track).
The Event is also listed on our 'Dates to Remember' page
Further details in relation to time of the House Sports and logistics including transport will follow.
Year 6 Captaincy and End of Year Awards
We discussed the the process that the school follows in determining Year 6 Captains and End of Year Awards. To this end, in a later edition of the newsletter we will detailing our processes and be seeking further feedback from parents, students and staff to ensure we continue to have a sound and effective process.
If you wish to bring any item to the Council our email is