From the Head of Drama

Senior Production, 'Stories from Suburban Road'


Students, staff and volunteers have been working hard over the past term and two weekends to bring the senior production from the page to the stage. 


As year 12 students, it’s difficult to think of a more fitting show for our last production than ‘Stories from Suburban Road’. A story about growing up resonates profoundly when you are preparing to leave school and do the same. With graduation just around the corner, many of us are asking ourselves “Will this be the last time I do this?” just as Tom and his friends do as everything they know is threatened. This play is haunted by the ghosts of World War I and shadowed by looming World War II. Unfortunately, our present isn’t peaceful either, with the Russo-Ukrainian war and the Israeli–Palestinian conflict raging on the other side of the world. The play reminds us of the tragedy our young people, like the ANZACs we commemorated just two weeks ago, were subjected to when we sent them, fresh and hopeful, to the battlefield. And yet, it’s also a celebration of the moments in childhood that shape us. Moments of joy, empathy, connection, exploration. We all have days like these that stay with us. Stories from Suburban Road is relatable to any Australian, at any life stage. We have loved putting it together, and are confident that you, our parents, grandparents, siblings and friends, will all find something to love about it too.


Ivy Downes, Year 12



Cindy Pecovnik

Head of Drama