From the 

Head of  

Senior School

Welcome to Term 2 at Blue Mountains Grammar School!  

As we embark on this new term, I would like to highlight some important events and dates that will be taking place throughout the coming months. These events are integral to our school community and offer valuable opportunities for students to engage, learn, and showcase their talents.  


We have started off the term with a Welcome to Term 2 assembly which was an ANZAC Service. On ANZAC Day, our school community came together in solemn remembrance to honor the brave souls who sacrificed for our freedom. From the youngest to the oldest, we stood united to pay tribute on this ANZAC Day. Thank you to all who joined us in commemorating this significant day. Lest we forget. 


Senior School Production – Stories from a Suburban Road: Our talented students have been working tirelessly to bring you an unforgettable performance. Please mark your calendars and come support our budding actors and actresses. 


Year 7 Odyssey Showcase: Join us as we celebrate the creativity and innovation of our students in the annual Odyssey Showcase.  


Years 7-10 Parent-Teacher Nights: Communication between home and school is vital for the success of our students. Parent-Teacher Nights provide a platform for open dialogue and collaboration between parents and educators. Please make sure to attend. 


Stage 5 & 6 Subject Selection Evenings: For our senior students, making informed decisions about their academic pathways is crucial. Subject Selection Evenings will provide valuable information and guidance to help students navigate their choices effectively. 


Reports: Stay informed about your child's academic progress with our comprehensive reports. These will be distributed this term, providing valuable insights into your child's achievements and areas for growth. 


Year 11 Winter Ball: Year 11 are getting ready to dance the night away at our annual Winter Ball! It's a wonderful opportunity for students to socialise and create lasting memories in a safe and enjoyable environment. 


Athletics Carnival: Let the games begin! Our Athletics Carnival promises a day of spirited competition and camaraderie as students showcase their athletic prowess. 


Stage 4 & 5 Assessment Blocks: A reminder to students and parents that assessment blocks are approaching. Please ensure students are adequately prepared and manage their study time effectively. 


Careers Expo: Help your child explore future career pathways by attending our Careers Expo. It's a fantastic opportunity to learn about different industries, meet professionals, and gain valuable insights into potential career options. 


Excursions: Hands-on learning experiences await our students through various excursions planned throughout the term. These outings enrich classroom learning and provide real-world context to academic concepts. 


Important Dates to Remember: 

Week 2:  6th May 
7th to 11th May  Senior School Production  - Stories From Suburban Road, 7:00pm to 10.30pm
Friday Whole School Mother's Day Breakfast

ISA Winter Season Sport - Round 2


Week 3:  13th May
Monday Winter Ball Rehearsal, 3:15pm to 6:15pm, Coote Hall
Wednesday House Meetings
 Odyssey Showcase
Thursday NSW CIS Under 15's Netball Trials

ISA Winter Season Sport - Round 3


Week 4:  20th May
MondayYear 7 Excursion to the Zoo
 Winter Ball Rehearsal, 3:15pm to 6:15pm, Coote Hall
TuesdayYear 11 Legal Studies court House Excursion
WednesdayStage 5 Assessment Block
 Assembly - Appreciation Week
 SS Photography Co-Curricular
 Years 7 & 8 Parent Teacher Interviews, 3:30pm to 7:30pm
ThursdayStage 5 Assessment Block
FridayStage 5 Assessment Block

ISA Winter Season Sport - Round 4


Week 5:  27th May  
MondayWinter Ball Rehearsal, 3:15pm to 6:15pm, Coote Hall
TuesdayCareers Expo, Cuff Hall
WednesdayExtended Tutor
 ISA Cross Country Carnival
ThursdayNSW All Schools Swimming Carnival
FridayNSW All Schools Swimming Carnival
 Stage 5 Biennale Visual Arts Excursion
SaturdayISA Winter Season Sport - Round 5
Week 6:  3rd June
MondayYear 10 WE Abercrombie Bushwalk/Expedition 
 Year 12 English Standard Excursion Crucible Symposium Seymour Centre 
 Winter Ball Rehearsal 3.15pm -6.15pm Coote Hall 
TuesdayYear 10 WE Abercrombie Bushwalk/Expedition 
Wednesday2025 Year 11 Subject Selection Night 
 House Meetings
ThursdayYear 9 Stand Tall Excursion
 NSW CIS Cross Country
FridayAthletics Carnival
SaturdayYear 11 Winter Ball
Week 7:  10th June
MondayPublic Holiday
Week 8:  17th June
TuesdayZiele Beanie Day
WednesdayExtended Tutor
 2025 Stage 5 Subject Selection Night
ThursdayYear 12 HSC History Study Day - The University of Sydney
 Stage 5 Drama in School Intersection Festival, Evening Performance
FridayStage 5 Drama in School Intersection Festival, Evening Performance
Week 9:  24th June
TuesdayYears 9 & 10 Parent Teacher Interviews, 3:30pm to 7:30pm
WednesdayHouse Meetings
FridaySenior School House Sport Periods 5 & 6
 Last day of Term

Please note the following important reminders


Punctuality: Timeliness is crucial for academic success. Please ensure that students arrive promptly to school and all classes, including tutor time. Late arrivals disrupt learning and can negatively impact your child's education. 


Uniform: Please ensure that blazers are worn to and from school. Blazers are also to be worn in Assembly and Chapel. 


Locker Visits: To minimise disruptions between classes, students are reminded not to visit their lockers. It's important that they come to class prepared with all necessary materials and belongings. 


Mobile Phone Policy: Our school maintains a strict mobile phone policy to minimise distractions and promote focused learning environments. Please remind your child to adhere to these guidelines at all times. 


Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community. Together, we can make this term a memorable and successful one for all our students. 


Warm regards,


Mrs Alicia Michielsen

Head of Senior School